Forum Post: Involuntary Front Line Essential Employees - Class Discrimination
Posted 4 years ago on March 24, 2020, 8:47 p.m. EST by elf3
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Unlike Police, Fire Fighters, EMTS and even Doctors and Nurses - grocery store workers, construction workers, pharmacy cashiers, and delivery drivers did not volunteer to be on the front lines of a PANDEMIC!!! and they aren't being given a choice!!!!. Since they do not usually have a high risk of death they likely do not have life insurance for their families, nor do they make the type of compensation that would provide for their families in the event they die. Nor were they prepared for the fact that they could carry a deadly virus back to their spouses and children. This is unconscionable that this country is forcing employees (who are also among the traditionally lower class of this country and not part of the lucky sperm college club) against their will to be in such a dire life or death position.
Patting them on the back and calling them HEROES doesn't soften the blow for the lack of compensation (hazard pay), benefits (including for spouses and children), full sick pay for however long it takes to recover, masks, sanitizers, and gloves....or HEY choice you know FREE WILL? "Great, job kid, you're a real hero taking one for the team. Now try not to get Covid on my food or package delivery ok?" Um yeah...ok....they were given little choice. Homeless or massive Covid exposure?
On top of this what is being considered essential is absurd - construction workers rebuilding kitchens and luxury housing. Delivery drivers delivering skis and a kid's bouncy house amongst hundreds of other non-essential purchases from Nordstroms and LL Bean (just today - not kidding). And grocery store workers probably do not even have health insurance.
These human beings and their families are being considered expendable in the name of greed. But something deeper is going on here because even if if it was for the good fight - they should have a CHOICE other than to quit and be homeless and be able to qualify for unemployment compensation. It is Wall Street and politicians who outsourced our factories, skyrocketed college loan rates and cornered people into these types of service jobs reducing free will - how dare they now put people in this position especially without even asking or duly compensating them with hazard pay!
This. Is. Class. Discrimination!!!!!
Who gets to decide that some lives are disposable?
- Just In - just learned UPS employees will be used to deliver to Covid Testing sites.
"Let them eat Covid! (and seal the water tight doors!)" And apparently suspend civil rights of the lower classes?
and all the IT guys and government employees went do do do do do doo do do while …. scrolling through their Neflix
Though UPS delivery drivers are fairing slightly better than grocery store clerks because their pay is higher HOFFA AND HIS CORRUPT CRONIES FED HIS UNION TO UPS LONG AGO. HE IS IN SECLUSION CLICKING ON HIS STOCK SHARES IGNORING HIS DUTIES he stepped down to retire at the same time or right before the pandemic announcement . UPS UNION IS MIA. The labor department has been filled with Trump Swamp Things and SO... DON'T CARE.
David Abney UPS's CEO who stepped down the same time right before the pandemic announcement but still holds stocks and is on the board playing an advisory role- is worth $46 million (maybe more) dollars - made $15 million per year at UPS and the company made $7.8 BILLION in profits in 2019 alone They have been continuing to stress manage employees (actual policy) during this outbreak, increased work days to 6 days and have already announced it may well go to 7 (their days are already 12 plus hours during normal times with no lunch as they are pressured to skip it), as well as begrudgingly offered only 10 days pay IF employees test positive but it's possible they could lose insurance during days off because it accumulates per days worked. They have failed to provide sanitizers, masks, or cleaning, and just contracted with the government to deliver to Covid test sights while many workers are falling ill and continue to work sick.AND have basically already promised them a lay off as the overall economic situation degrades despite that their stocks are fairing ok - as their final reward since they have been positioning to replace them with sub-contracted labor already and will now use this as an excuse to up-end the unionized labor force.
David Abney and Hoffa know what's good for themselves: GREED PAYS GOOD!
In case anyone is wondering stress management is when managers ride along carrying a clipboard and give workers "infractions' like failing to properly grab a handrail before exiting the vehicle or failing to check mirrors a certain number of times throughout the ride - that they put on a rap sheet - which can later use to fire them incase they try to stand up or speak out for their rights. Also known as The Abuse Cycle - these employees rely on their abuser to feed their families.("And if you don't like it - there's the door, don't let it hit you on the way out.") Because that's the American way!
Well - I tried contacting my government officials but no answer and the voicemail informed me their staff is all at home keeping themselves and their families safe from the virus.
In case anyone is wondering stress management is when managers ride along carrying a clipboard and give workers "infractions' like failing to properly grab a handrail before exiting the vehicle or failing to check mirrors a certain number of times throughout the ride - that they put on a rap sheet - which can later use to fire them incase they try to stand up or speak out for their rights. Also known as The Abuse Cycle - these employees rely on their abuser to feed their families.
Patting them on the back and calling them HEROES doesn't soften the blow for the lack of compensation (hazard pay), benefits (including for spouses and children), full sick pay for however long it takes to recover, masks, sanitizers, and gloves....or HEY choice you know FREE WILL? "Great, job kid, you're a real hero taking one for the team." Now try not to get Covid on my food or package delivery ok?"
Um yeah...ok....they were given little choice. Homeless or massive Covid exposure?
"Trump Will Feed You to COVID-19 .. to Keep the Money Happy" - by William Rivers-Pitt:
radix omnium malorum est cupiditas ...
(love of money is the root of all evil ...)
Studies show around 62 percent of people won't question decisive people or people who seem authoritative regardless if what they say is unethical or untrue. Trump has proven his lies again and again yet the cognitive dissonance persists in his followers.
Time to Reoccupy Wall Street - as the COVID19 CoronaVirus Crisis shows how the fkn psychopathically avaricious Banking Corporations, who were bailed out after getting swept away in a tsunami of their own greed in 2008 - now propose the bailouts of more Private Corporations who were also bailed out in 2008 & then, used that bailout money to rebuild their balance sheets & then used the QE (Quantitative Easing = Queasing?! = a thing designed to make U puke!) & also used the Ultracheap 0.5% etc. money - to buy back their own shares in order to spew money at shareholders & - reward CEOs with share-price related remunerations beyond the wildest dreams or most outlandish imaginations of The 99%! WT-actual-Fk?!!
So, the Moral Hazard; Perverse Incentives; Regulatory Capture & Conflicts of Interests of a 0.01% (ie.the 1% of the 1%) & their 1% lackeys - is literally about to lead to the death of thousands of others! U just could not make this Fkn $H!T up if U tried & .. no fkr'd believe U - if U did try!! All this while The 99% go to the wall, all over The U$A!!! At what point do USA's 99% shake off the STOCKHOLM SYNDROME or, has the "BOILING FROGS" phenomenon and RW propaganda of Corp.M$M, rendered the American population, sheep who will take themselves to the slaughterhouse? I could scream with the frustration of it all sometimes. Meanwhile ...
this link:
because: ! And ...
fiat lux et spero meliora ...
(let there be light & hope for better things)
It's pretty surreal. I'm not sure if Democrats are completely inept at negotiating - or if they too are just completely bought. Ok Republicans ask for ridiculousness get them focused on that and then they accept the pissy deal that hands our deeds over to Wall Street? What?!!!
BUT chin up (in the least likely place - the cake is being sent back) Cheesecake Factory Refuses to pay rent:
RENT STRIKE & DEBT REPAYMENT STRIKE NOW!!! Or - "let 'em eat cake"!! But U Are NOT A Loan!
After the bailout of unprecedented proportions of Private Corps, TWICE in 12 years, the mthrfkrs will not help USA's 99% in their hour of need other than offer a taxable perk of $1200/person & $600/child! WTF is that, ffs?! Does anyone need any more proof that U$A .. is actually a demoCRAZY deMOCKERYcy?!! Corporate Con'Troll'ed GOPlite Democraps & GOP Repugnicunts have not got your back but Bernie has
USA's 99% are Mind-Managed & Poor Shamed into kissing up & kicking down &, when racism is thrown into the mix (a' la Lee Atwater's "Southern Strategy") - then we get the perfect storm for getting the white working class to act against its own self-interest 'cause sharing with black folk & PoCs or Latinos is seen as unthinkable. This is the Divide & Rule that folk like Eugene Debs & even LBJ warned about & .. which is still actively in use! Remember Rep.Maxine Waters having to remind Trump that white people also get ''welfare''? In aggregate more than non-whites but US MSM won't tell U that! Pls also note these links ... re. Eugene Debs and re. actual LBJ quote + .. re. the GOP's infamous & still extant "Southern Strategy" & if true, then sadly ...
Alas, the black working class is now acting as dumb as their white brothers & sisters ... by being actively manipulated by their co-opted and complicit "leaders" into voting for Creepy Joe, the Dem Class Traitor! Somewhat unbelievably, this is particularly evident in the Southern States, where black religious leaders (who are essentially 'conservatives') ... are mostly to blame, for kissing Joe Biden's crinkley old RW ass!
Also (inter alia) ... fyi:
& further, please consider:
& finally re.Creepy Joe NB:
I'm sorry about the last link but the s-o-b has to be exposed because he is being set up to lose to Trump because the DNC scum'd rather Biden lose to tRUMP's ass .. than Bernie actually win for The US 99%!
too fkn angry for latin but Feelin' The Bern!