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Forum Post: Interview/Query

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 21, 2012, 9:52 p.m. EST by OliviaChandrasekhar (3) from Chicago, IL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

To the members of Occupy Wall Street:

I’m a student living in a suburb directly north of Chicago, and I’m working on a research paper analyzing, in part, the Occupy Wall Street movement. As my topic is a current one, I was hoping to be able to use direct quotes as sources; unfortunately, when I took a train to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to interview what I had hoped would, at the very least, a few dedicated protesters, I found the place deserted.

So, instead, I’d like to pose my questions to you. If you could take the time to answer one, a few, or all, I would greatly appreciate it.

Why, personally do you support the Occupy movement?

What do you hope to accomplish/what have you accomplished by participating in this movement?

Would you also consider yourself a member of the anti-globalization movement?

What do you envision in the stead of our current economic system? More government intervention? Less? More socialist policies? A scaling back of capitalism? How would this new system function?

Do you feel it is your duty or responsibility to have an answer to the preceding question? Why or why not?

Ultimately, are you against capitalism? Do you feel that capitalism and democracy are mutually exclusive?

These questions are meant to serve as a starting point; if you have anything else you wish to add to your answers, feel free to do so.

Additionally, answers may be used as quotes and your name could potentially be cited as an interview source. If you wish to have your name/username withheld, please say so.

Thank you for your time!



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[-] 3 points by craigdangit (326) 13 years ago

I support the Occupy movement because frankly, any enemy of the establishment is my friend at this point. Other than that, I wouldn't have a whole lot in common with the average occupier. There is terrible corruption in the government due to corporate interests, but unlike the average occupier, I realize it is not going to magically stop because of some bill being passed by the corporate puppets in Washington. You cannot get the hand to slap its master.

As far as accomplishments go, I don't really feel that I have accomplished much by being part of this movement. I have enjoyed it, and I suppose I have increased my awareness of sociology, psychology, and political science, which is always good, but I am not going to fool myself into thinking I have made some great change.

I am against global governance, in favor instead of local governance and organization. I realize that government functions at a much lower level of efficiency when it is large, and much more subject to corruption. I really don't care about globalized business, as long as they are not corrupting the government and colluding to take my rights away.

What I would like to see in favor of our current economic system, is an economic system in which the rule of force is not required to maintain the economy. There is systemic injustice in a system in which people are prevented from doing mutually beneficial things for each other that do not unfairly affect third parties. Capitalism is an aspect of human nature, it is natural to save and keep what you have, and trade what you have for things you want instead. All businesses and companies should play by the same rules, and operate on a level playing field. No one should receive preferential treatment from the government based on what kind of business they are in, what their race is, gender, sexual orientation, what sort of things they do for fun. The government should be color blind and treat all individuals and businesses the same.

I do not feel that capitalism and Democracy are mutually exclusive. Capitalism is an extension of human freedom and liberty. Under a capitalistic system, all other forms of economic systems can exist. You can have a socialist subsystem under capitalism, such as is successfully employed at communes. Workers have the right to control the means of production through partnerships. Under a socialist grand system, capitalism could not occur because it requires the control of force to redistribute the means and control of production to the workers, and no one could get ahead.

As far as spending goes, the government is there to provide for and enforce rights. If something is a right, like free speech, the government should be there to enforce it. Likewise, if something is not a human right, the government should not provide it. Things do not become rights when they are invented, such as cable TV and certain medical procedures. People have the natural right to do anything that does not unfairly affect anyone else.

[-] 2 points by OliviaChandrasekhar (3) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

thank you for taking the time for such an in-depth response! This is really good material.

[-] -1 points by uncensored (104) 13 years ago

GurlFriday isn't great with words, but she can post links with the best of 'em!

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

I am far better with words than you are.

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

Why, personally do you support the Occupy movement? It is an improvement over the bought off major parties. If people are starting to organize outside of them I will give what support I can.

What do you hope to accomplish/what have you accomplished by participating in this movement?

I hope to build a new way of life.

Would you also consider yourself a member of the anti-globalization movement?

Yes insofar as I oppose corporate globalization. No insofar as I find them a bit tame.

What do you envision in the stead of our current economic system? More government intervention? Less? More socialist policies? A scaling back of capitalism? How would this new system function?

Something that is not mandatory in the way capitalism is. Something that does not kill everything it cannot monetize.

Do you feel it is your duty or responsibility to have an answer to the preceding question? Why or why not?

Yes because OWS is about thinking that thought seriously.

Ultimately, are you against capitalism? Do you feel that capitalism and democracy are mutually exclusive?

Yes. Yes. Democracy is a narrative that capitalism, commercial society, industrial society, commodity society trots out every so often when it finds itself in a tough spot.

[-] 1 points by OliviaChandrasekhar (3) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

thank you!

[-] 0 points by JuanFenito (847) 13 years ago

We're not going to fall for your silly attempt to trick us into using critical thinking and objectivity! We know you're paid by the Koch brothers to come here and gather names! Bug off! This is a Democrat movement, not some place for people to objectively discuss goals and issues!

[-] -2 points by uncensored (104) 13 years ago


[-] -1 points by Chugwunka (89) from Willows, CA 13 years ago

We are only in this to meet young virgin girls. We want free artichokes and motor oil for all. We want free housing for all non white people. We want mandatory penis enlargement for all white males. We want pizza delivered within 3minutes.

[-] 1 points by Chugwunka (89) from Willows, CA 13 years ago

Oh, and we want mandatory butt implants for all women. And free parking in kalifornia,

[-] -1 points by uncensored (104) 13 years ago

Better hurry, they ain't virgins for long at an OWS protest!