Forum Post: Interview with Kelly McMillan: Bank of America Targets US Firearms and 2nd Ammendment
Posted 12 years ago on April 25, 2012, 5:52 p.m. EST by Devoghe
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Interview with Kelly McMillan: Bank of America Targets US Firearms and 2nd Ammendment
April 25, 2012
In this latest breaking interview from SGT Report, Kelly McMillan, the Director of Operations for weapons manufacturer McMillan International Group, explains why ’Bank of America’ no longer wants to do business with his company.
Our recent article by Kurt Nimmo detailed how bankster giant Bank of America has joined the White House’s effort to take down the Second Amendment, and ultimately deny Americans the right to own and use firearms. Now the line of attack looks to widen with the federal government employing new tactics to target Americans’ arms.
In this segment, McMillan also discusses how the DOJ and other federal government agencies will attempt to use the recent Gibson Guitar shutdown as a precedent, allowing the feds raid gun manufacturers over the use of “rare wood” in products to possible target US firearms manufacturers in the near future. Listen: