Forum Post: Internet Voting will empower the 99 !
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 4:56 p.m. EST by aquainted
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Internet Voting is continuous voting on all major issues, by all Americans. Internet Voting requires that a new law be passed. This law will force all branches of government, including all their contractors, suppliers and associates, to comply with the popular vote.
Current voting practices are not verifiable or honest as we saw in Florida and in Ohio, a few years back. The old system allows for boxes of votes to be thrown off trains and replaced with fake votes, all over the country. Voting machines can be compromised and accumulate two anti-votes for every legitimate vote! The secret ballot becomes the enemy of democracy and allows for all sorts of "secrets" to creep in. We must stand up for our own votes and learn lessons from our own bad voting. Fortunately, Internet Voting is forgiving and allows for immediate corrections if bad things are accidentally voted for.
Verifying the Internet Vote is easy if it is simply made public and preserved online for future checking. Everyone can check their own votes by their own picture and personal data. The complilation of votes can be checked by volunteer programmers, or anyone else. Votes can tallied by locality, and verified by address and census most carefully, and then slowly and carefully accumulated around the country, by the people, not government and certainly not corporations.
Here are some other reasons to pursue internet voting:
- Only voting can put real power in the hands of The People who want to take control of their own destiny, as a nation. Only this can satisfy the constitution’s mandate of life to its fullest, complete liberty from tyranny, and the pursuit of happiness.
- America is no longer “of the people by the people and for the people” as our forefathers established. Somewhere along the line it has become "of the government, by the people, for the corporations". There are many confusing laws in this mess that need to be voted out.
- Term limits are no longer needed, if we find a good public servant we can keep them in until they die. If public servants want to put corporation profits before the people, like Obama just did, they can be voted out immediately and even punished. Public servants must be subject to public trials about their conduct while in office. The people have the right to punish and even execute traitors to 350 million people and children and trillions of animals, too. And let’s not forget whole ecosystems like the Gulf of Mexico, like Obama recently allowed to be ruined. If the people had Internet Voting before this fiasco, things would have been fixed much faster, Today they are still not fixed.
- Unseen forces are regularly taking advantage us, they are sending our children off to die in profit wars, they are spending our social security on wars and FEMA camps. They are bailing out our enemies, the banks, and leaving us to flounder in painful poverty. They are using our money to destroy buildings and kill their inhabitants as in Oklahoma and Twin Towers. They are policing the world after enflaming it with black op projects like Bay of Pigs and the Gulf of Tonkin incident. They are killing our beloved Presidents like Kennedy, candidates like Sen. Edward Kennedy and Senators like Paul Wellstone and McFadden, who was poisoned for trying to dump the Federal Reserve back in 1933. This is a century long, covert war! We must rally and win it.
- The FDA is supposed to protect our food and drugs and now they have banned herbs and vitamins and approved a vast array of dangerous pharmaceuticals and neurotoxic sweetners, fluoride in the water and mercury in tooth fillings, etc. We could vote hundreds of dangerous chemicals out of our country in minutes if we had reliable Internet Voting and a new law granting the people necessary power.
- We need jobs and patriotic corporations; not globalists pitting us off against prison and slave labor.
- We need real borders to keep out real leeches. Those people need to fix their own country with our model.
- We need viable and affordable medical treatments and insurance, not what the AMA has given us after killing off Royal Rife and other energy and natural healers. Cuba has 4 times the system we have at 1/4 the cost. Internet Voting can bring this to us.
- We need free energy not suppressed energy. Over-unity engines have existed for decades but can't get through the corrupt patent office simply because they use an outdated physics model. Our costs for this are unconscionable and astronomical.
- We need nationalized utilities under our control, especially a free and unbiased internet. Gas is only 13 cents a gallon in Venezuela and we have more oil than Venezuela. And why do we pay corporations for Internet access? Why don't the People just buy a nice glass pipe and some satellites and make the corporations pay us to advertise their shit on our internet? ef'em.
Much more here:
Start voting today at:
Most people are not aware of the voting laws we have in place. Having general elections in November is restricive for many because they can't get out in the cold. If it was up to me I would back it up to September, the whole month.
The primaries should be all held in one day and polls should close at the same time across the country. The way it is now reports coming from the East Coast have an effect on how people vote on the West Coast because of the 3-4 hour time difference.
Also, increase democracy,..put voting sites in Wal Marts and Grocery Stores and Senoir Centers. There are lots of things we could do to improve elections.
Ah hell, lets just make it east to vote for everyone, free voting phones for the poor and 24/7 voting for all. People need time to chose and proof that it is actually going to do some damn good, for once.
And everyone knows that internet voting will be more trustworthy and reliable...
Maybe we should all use the American Idol / So you think you can dance method of voting using calls into an 800 number?
There are several ways to verify and re-verify votes, but mostly if we just make them public we can all verify what everyone is doing.
Ironically, there are lots of places in the world were we have public voting and I'm not sure you want to be living in any of those places....
Lets vote 24/7 from our desktops. we need a good data base of information and reporting we need new laws to make sure our vote is followed we need to be ready to strike to make sure it is followed We need to see all the financial transactions, period.
The point here is if the People are smart enough to get an ongoing voting mechanism in place and then pass a law forcing government to follow the vote ( as they should anyway). Then we can rule what is ours and stop getting ripped off.
But can the 99 tough this one out? We will see.