Forum Post: International no - money, no - spend day?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:28 a.m. EST by Markm
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What about coordinating an international no money day? Today the entire globe (99% anyway) works together to send a common message. A designated no spend day could also send a clear message, further unify our cause, and everyone across the globe could participate. Let's show them, at least sybolically, that we don't need their currency to survive. All you need is love :)
Thanks for reading!
I would participate in that. We have a great deal of power as a group, and none as individuals. But the message also has to go to all of our individual governments, from the local level on up. They must be included in any statement to ensure they recognize the action is known to be affecting the collection of sales tax.