Forum Post: Intensities In Ten Cities... A day of Marching for respect and dignity ...The Whole World will watch this.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 4, 2011, 2:55 a.m. EST by newearthorder
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The 1% has no respect for work, they only value wealth and power.
When the first OWS protesters were being raided in Zuccotti Park someone said:"It's getting pretty intense in the Park". That gave me an idea i will put forward.
We should pick 10 cities, worldwide, and hold a very peaceful, but potent protest where we hold marches. The 10 Cities should be picked in secret, but all over the globe. 24 hours before the marches we should send press releases to the media, all of the newspapers, radio and cable television news programs.
The OWS movement is planning a worldwide march in 10 cities across the globe to raise the awareness of what corruption has done to our system. Where they will happen and the nature of the event will be kept a secret, until the moment it happens.
I'm thinking the tease will drive them crazy.
I would call it:
"Intensities in 10 Cities."
Occupy Earth is a worldwide movement.
Put together a clear and coherent message to disseminate to the media.
It will show solidarity, it will show that the movement is world-wide, and we will have an opportunity to show the world we are stronger than ever and we are not going away.
I can hear Anderson Cooper, Shepherd Smith, and Chris Matthews talking about the event. "Occupy Wall St is planning something big for tomorrow, but we don't have any details yet"
. I would do it on a Tuesday so the media can play it all week.
It's gotta be huge and timed perfectly to happen simultaneously.
It's just that I know a lot of people who have a negative opinion of OWS because the only information they get is what the talking heads on cable news tells them we are about. That's why we need a clear and coherent message.
I would also like to see individuals, and journalism students do in depth reporting on people the corruption of our Government has effected their lives in a very negative way. Each story would get it's own web page. on
They would be real individuals who everyone in the 99% could relate to.
Here is one now: "I am 56 years old. In 2004 I started working where I still am today. We all were just told that if we didn't have 10 years in by December 10th we would completely lose our pensions. So now, I'm working and knowing I will have nothing but social security in 11 years. I've been paying into that system for almost 8 years. Now I will not get a dime when i retire. once again, gamed by the 1%. This has to stop.
It will help us build a consensus with the entire 99%.