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Forum Post: Instead of shouting out "Occupy", why can't we actually fight back?

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 25, 2012, 9:38 a.m. EST by JuliusZub (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Why? We are occupy wall street. We are able to fight back the police who serve this fascist government. WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING SOON!



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[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

No. Do not incite violence. What OWS should do is try to win the police over. Their interests are the same as ours.

[-] 1 points by forjustice (178) from Kearney, NE 13 years ago

Great answer.

[-] 3 points by truth2p0wer (135) 13 years ago

Because fighting against those who you are supposed to be protesting in support of (union members) is not only stupid but would paint OWS as nothing more then a domestic terrorist group. Exactly what the right wing in America wants OWS to be seen as.

[-] 1 points by nickhowdy (1104) 13 years ago

This is what we need and OWS should have nothing to do with it....It's called the new "Term Limits" Super PAC!

It's to fund an elite squad of Blackwater type mercenaries, who....you get the picture..

See the book: http://www.amazon.com/Term-Limits-Vince-Flynn/dp/0671023187

[-] 2 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

You want to try to take on the armed police force? Lets count down their offensive weaponry. Tear gas, bean bag guns, tazers, and pepper spray to leave out their guns. Lets take a look at defensive. Riot shields, riot helmets to keep you from spraying shit in their face, vests that I believe are no both bullet and knife proof, and steel toed boots. I personally don't think you have a chance but be my guest.

[-] 1 points by JuliusZub (1) 13 years ago

In Egypt, the people took out the military with only fists and sticks. In November 17, 2011, there were 32,000 protesters and only 1,500 cops. It's possible.

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

And how many people are there in OWS?


[-] 1 points by Joeboy32 (72) 13 years ago

Unfortunately the system "works" better than the OWS movement. The other factor here is, most people just want to be able to work, take care of their responsibilities and provide for people they care about. And others just wish to be able to pursue their career objectives and consume things, whether they need them or not.

The Government and Corporations with the banks around the world, understand this notion to be what's necessary to keep a society functioning. And at anytime, they can bring this system they've created down whenever they want.

so, it's not that we should "fight" the system, but have more control over the system, so it truly works for "everyone" and not just a few fortunate people here and there.

But, that's how I see the overall issue here.

[-] 1 points by Joeboy32 (72) 13 years ago

Unfortunately the system "works" better than the OWS movement. The other factor here is, most people just want to be able to work, take care of their responsibilities and provide for people they care about. And others just wish to be able to pursue their career objectives and consume things, whether they need them or not.

The Government and Corporations with the banks around the world, understand this notion to be what's necessary to keep a society functioning. And at anytime, they can bring this system they've created down whenever they want.

so, it's not that we should "fight" the system, but have more control over the system, so it truly works for "everyone" and not just a few fortunate people here and there.

But, that's how I see the overall issue here.

[-] 1 points by freewriterguy (882) 13 years ago

just remember, "thou shalt not kill" and steal, or covet, in our actions to fight back, and im with you.

[-] 1 points by freederix (4) 13 years ago

"he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword" but on the other hand if you want to defeat enemy use same weppon he is using. defeat politicians by using democracy - make political party and vote for yourselfe - take out their seats and occupy them

[-] 1 points by freederix (4) 13 years ago

Its enough people out there who think like you, dont like politics, get rid of politics by democracy. Vote for yourselfe and watch their seats become yours...

[-] 1 points by forjustice (178) from Kearney, NE 13 years ago

Never underestimate the power of the moral high ground.

[-] 1 points by freederix (4) 13 years ago

Check my post about occupy government.

"he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword"

but on the other hand if you want to defeat enemy use same weppon he is using.

defeat politicians by using democracy - make political party and vote for yourselfe - take out their seats and occupy them.

[-] 1 points by nickhowdy (1104) 13 years ago

Not ready yet...People are still just waking up...from their long slumber...

[-] 1 points by Progression (143) 13 years ago

Fighting back against the police and government can be messy but there is an alternative way to fight back. Here is a non-violent yet effective way to actually fight back against corporations: http://occupywallst.org/forum/overlooked-ways-to-legitimately-attack-financial-b/

Attacking businesses in this fashion worked for Godaddy so why not financial giants?

[-] 1 points by cJessgo (729) from Port Jervis, PA 13 years ago

We do need to do things that are non Violent.You need to Relax

[-] 1 points by iwantfreemoneynow (58) 13 years ago

Everything we do must be considered in the context of how it affects our union brothers and sisters. We are here to support their titanic efforts to fight back against the onslaught of attacks on collective bargaining.

If you, our little brother, become violent you will hurt our efforts to achieve prosperity for the unions!

[-] 1 points by JackPulliam3rd (205) 13 years ago

When Bane becomes your leader, he'll command you all to attack.


[-] 0 points by occupypuppies (71) 13 years ago


[-] -1 points by toonces (-117) 13 years ago

Why do you want to fight the police?

Is fighting against the police the same as fighting against the government?

If the government (police) are bad, why would you want to give them more power to confiscate property from citizens?

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

We were shown last night 01/24/2012 that we are making a difference, that we are making some progress.

Unite in common cause. Hate the things that are wrong in this world. Support each-other in making things right. This is where the healing will begin.

The Government of "The People" by "The People" for "The People"

We are the 99%. Take part in "The Peoples" Lobby.

Take action. See samples of how below.

195,386 signatures so far for Bernie Sanders petition as of 8:58am central time 01/25/2012


The petition to save abandoned houses has 16 signatures. We picked one up at around 11:07am 01/16/2012. Were just rolling right along.


Here is a place where you can directly address change. Take part, it does not hurt and may very well heal/help. Forward the cause of reform and rebirth.


Sierra Club has some good things to take part in as well. Set-up and ready for you to take part in. http://sierraclub.org/