Forum Post: instant change
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 10:16 a.m. EST by nickmuddy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
- stop buying crap from china and other importer countries
- pressure your elected officials to force/legislate business to operate correctly and fairly 2a. stop massive executive bonuses 2b buy shares in companies and vote these options essentially take control of the companies away from the executives
- Tariffs on all imported goods out of office all lawyers and business people 4a demand a change in voting rules - we must be allowed to vote for anyone no just in our selected party
- an Independent financial audit of all businesses and all levels of government must be done.... you'll find all the money the country needs being squandered by the 1%'ers
- stop politicking and start governing
- turn off you cell phones, cancel you subscriptions- magazines cable etc, stop buying none essential items, use trade and barter, make you own stuff, grow your own food, set you place up with solar panels, make biodiesel, think of the possibilities
- take all of your money out of wall street - sell off your shares
- stop feeding wall street with your 401K money - keep it yourself. 10 petition you local government for property tax reductions
- attend all local govt meetings and voice your concerns
- petition the federal govt for online election for all major bills and legislation we don't need representation in this day and age 13.sell your American dollars and buy Chinese yuan 14 start a community buying programs (cooperative) for every thing from food to houses and cars etc. this will cut out the retail giant (middle-men) that mark up the cost of goods at least 500% saving you 1000's monthly! 16 contact you local, state and federal elected official and communicate you list of need to them
- stop all political contributions form business to politicians all politicians must be funded through a common and pooled reserve of money. 18 abolish all lobbyist organizations
- reduce business taxes for all companies who are 100% American made. 20 finish the wall between Mexico and the US and re-institute the temporary worker statue and allow these folks to contribute through taxation too.
- stop all funding for illegals = medical, school, social security, every thing.
- temporarily stop all foreign aid - until our debt is balanced
- stop all overseas military action - bring back the troop and equipment to protect our shores, and find the terrorists and radicals 24 etc 24.