Forum Post: 'Inspired' by Occupy Dallas, not so much... :(
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 8:50 a.m. EST by KofA
from Muenster, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So, I just got back a response from an Occupy Dallas 'organizer'- "DBCOOPA" (
Granted my e-mail was complaining about their eliminating the public forum portion of their site (, and the hundreds of posts and responses therein, but I DON'T think this is how you inspire people:
"...your dribble called "Call to Action" ( is the most horribly written thing I've ever read. I'm not kidding. I refrain from calling it a blog because, frankly, I don't think it meets the low standards set by the blogging community. Your grammar is truly the most atrocious I've ever seen. It's not just that every sentence is unreadable, it appears as if you took an idea that could easily be conveyed in a few simple words (our government needs to be more accountable for their actions) and managed to stretch it across the longest paragraph I've ever written. This is not hyperbole. I almost feel bad saying so. The only way I can reconcile the existence of this writing with my perception of life in the universe and still hope for the continuation of our species is to convince myself you must be a nine year old--or possibly a very intelligent chimpanzee. ..."
Is there ANY wonder remaining, as to why the OWS movement has made me sad...? :(