Forum Post: Innocents Betrayed – Genocide By Gun Control – True History of Gun Confiscation
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 9, 2013, 1:15 p.m. EST by MDaniel
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Innocents Betrayed – Genocide By Gun Control – True History of Gun Confiscation.
They confiscate unions too.
Gun nutters just go hide in the woods.
They confiscated our banking system.
Gun nutters just went and hid in the woods.
They are creating tyranny state by State.
Gun nutters just go and hide in the woods.
A fellow gun nutter goes nutz and kills dozens of children.
Gun nutters come out of the woods long enough claim victimization.
The dip-shts are out in force, a bought-and-paid-for force of weak, lame trolls spewing hate and fear,. sad and more than a little bit pathetic.
I should have added......They buy an extra gun, before going back off into the woods again.
But didn't, for the sake of brevity...................................:)
Hmmm, I guess people want this one to slide down the forum without getting any attention.
Any questions?
jews in nazi germany were ( by law) not allowed to own guns. you know well that worked out for hitler.
Oh, I see now. That was what did it. You idiot.
the only time the jews fought back was in the warsaw ghetto. the jews there had a very small amount of guns and not much ammo. they were successful with what they had but of course the nazis were well armed and took the jews out.
Wrong answer, Cornflake. There were three types of 'em.
zob, zzb,, Betar.
Try again little loser.
those are the groups that were in the warsaw ghetto.
No, hon. They weren't all in in the Warsaw ghetto. Try again.
yes dearie , they were. the uprising took place from april 19th - may 16th, 1943.
There were three types of 'em.
zob, zzw, betar were the groups.
There were three types of 'em.
there was the jewish combat organization( zob), the revisionist party ( betar) and the jewish military union ( zzw).
There were three types of 'em.
While I am at it, why did the US not intervene earlier? John Foster Dulles admitted that American businesses were in Berlin until the bombs started dropping.
churchill was in favor of bombing the rail lines that led to the concentration camps, fdr wasnt interested in saving the jews,..........he wanted to deal with them AFTER the war, wchih of course would have been too late.
That isn't what I asked you.
that reply was in response to one of your other posts.
Why did the United States not intervene earlier?
That's because you have introduced the same shit repeatedly under a different name. Every time you introduce it, someone takes actual history and whips your ass with it.