Forum Post: Infowars FAIL!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 7:58 p.m. EST by riethc
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I just checked out Alex Jones website to see what they were saying about OWS. Supposedly we are the George Soros run controlled opposition! lol
Check it out:
They took one post from this forum and treated it as if it was the official list of demands. FAIL
Disappointed with Alex's coverage on OWS at this point. He has seized on the fact that a couple of elite stooges like Soros and Michael Moore showed up, and painting the entire protest with an incredibly wide brush.
However, his push to End the Fed is a very important one. Until we have sound money, we have NO power. Boycotting evil corporations isn't going to work if we have hyperinflation thanks to Bernanke.
Hey patriots Albany NY'er here with some footage I grabbed from Occupy wall street yesterday when I drove down to support the movement. Please share the video and subscribe to my youtube channel I'll have plenty more to come
he is smearing this movement. Hes an idiot. No one in the occupy LA movement from where Im at is about any of that shit. W hat a fool. Anything to keep spreading fear.
Infowars has been surprisingly un-supportive of the movement thus far. They seem to only believe in one thing: Abolishing the Federal Reserve. While that's a good move, they're missing the point. They've continually gotten caught up on small, tentative ideas of individuals and haven't recognized the general importance of the fact that people are taking a stand for ALL the wrongs that have occurred or are occurring in this country. The solutions come later, once those with the ability to do something can no longer stand the shouts of "Freedom!"
Let's not wait too long on the solutions.
A more balanced analysis of their take on OWS would be that financier subversives are attempting to hijack the OWS movement just like they did the Tea Party.
Stay independent, educate people about the fact that the Fed is privately owned, push 9/11 truth, etc.
9/11 truth?! Take your bullshit somewhere else.
Idiots that can't do high school physics are the only ones left that buy into the 9/11 fairy tale. Pink unicorns from mars did not make building 7 collapse. If you're not willing to strike at the crimes at the heart of the corruption, go home.
Unlike you, I did finish high school. Jet fuel + stuff in an office is enough to weaken a steal structure. Any sane engineer or physicist will tell you that. The 9/11 truth movement is fill with people that have the same critical thinking skill as young earth creationists.
Sorry bud, no jet fuel in building 7. Go fail somewhere else please.
Because it's impossible for fires to spreads to other buildings.
Please don't fucking breed
Who is paying you?
Steel buildings don't collapse from office fires and no building collapses into its foot print and free fall speed absent controlled demolition.
Also, since you don't want to tell people who you are protecting, I will do it for you:
suck it
Video measuring the acceleration of the roof of building 7, statistically indistinguishable from free fall acceleration.
How could it be a controlled demolition? It would take days to load all those explosives. On top of that, controlled demolitions make tons of noise, unlike WTC7
Controlled Demolition
WTC7 Collapse
You can see the explosions going off, not just in WTC7, but also the twin towers. Look closer.
How could they be loaded? Easy. Marvin Bush was made head of security at the WTC complex a few months before the attack and many witnesses report crews working all night for several weeks prior to the collapse. I know what they were doing and so do you.
Nope because there are none.
Any proof?
I agree that that is plausible. I just found this article to be a huge failure in reporting. The reporter obviously does not understand how anyone can post a list of demands on this forum.
Yes, I agree, there were several silly hit pieces they did. They have a tendency to poo-poo protests rather than reach out and direct in the right direction. By all indications AJ is aware of this and working to fix it. He started off Monday's broadcast poo-pooing all over OWS and by the time he was done talking to Webster & Max he was ready to go hit up every Fed branch in Texas over the weekend. Don't worry, their operation is definitely moving in the right direction with this.
G'day Riethc.
Alex Jones is Co-IntelPro ...
I wouldn't say he co-intel pro from those videos or any other things I've seen on him, but, yeah, he doesn't help with his sensationalism. Shouting into a mic for hours about how the global bankers want to kill you is not effective.
There's more available exposing AJ.
OK, I'll check it out.