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Forum Post: Inflation rising? Income decreasing? Are we losing value?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 10:52 a.m. EST by msantos (131)
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We need to get two things straight: 1) The federal reserve policy wants to maintain inflation upon our economy. Inflation is their policy, but inflation is THEFT! Not only of cash but of our liberty as well. It looks like average wages (earned income) in the U.S. have been rising smartly for decades. But measured in purchasing power, i.e. adjusted for inflation, earned income has declined for most workers, especially in the past three years. The dollar also has lost so much of it's value through the years and in these days we know more than ever that is has!

Also being measured in purchasing power the number of gallons of gasoline or loaves of bread an average worker could buy with one hour of labor, American workers have experienced a steady decline in the value of their labor for the past 40 years. Did you know that it takes $7 2011 dollars to buy what $1 bought in 1966, at the top of the post-war Bull market? This is all due to inflation. The biggest crime committed by the most powerful people in the world : The federal reserve. So why can't we convict them? I'll tell you why: There are criminal law books that are out there that have statutes (and their associated regulations) with provisions regarding the value of property and the relative level of crime with which a person would be charged, if one violated that law. In addition, these statutes spell out the amount of fines and penalties for convictions for those crimes. The only thing is that these statutes are not indexed for inflation, so what happens is people are charged with a higher level of crime than they otherwise would have in the past, for no other reason than inflation. As an example, if a person in NY decides to intentionally damage the property of another with a value of $250 or more, he is guilty of a felony. Intentionally damaging the property of another which has a value under $250 is a misdemeanor. Well, that statute was passed over thirty years ago, when $250 was a decent chunk of money. $250 in 1980 is equivalent to $653 today, according to an inflation calculator on the web that I used. Conversely, a product that costs $250 today only cost $86 in 1980. So if the law were to remain equal over time, the triggering level for the felony level of the statute should have been revised upward to around $650 to reflect the inflationary nature of our system. What we have now is a number of people being charged with felonies when they should only be charged with a misdemeanor if the statutes were indexed for inflation. So in a sense our laws bare no justice. If the relative value of the dollar goes down over time due to government mismanagement, how is that statute a fair one? There was no debate in our legislature or discussion in our society to see if we want additional numbers of people prosecuted for felonies, rather than misdemeanors. Think about it! This is the problem with Capital gains and why it doesn't work : It is only taxing INFLATED gains and not real value. Therefore our cash, our savings lose value. I read this all in an article @http://colonel6.com/category/abolish-the-fed/ and it really had me thinking. I hope everyone else can see what I see.



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