Forum Post: Infant occupation needs procedural advice!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 11:54 p.m. EST by beachbeneathstreet
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Hey friends, our city just had our first general assembly and ran into a lot of roadblocks and frustration that we think may have been exacerbated by a lack of concrete or clear protocol. Does anybody have any general tips for the general structure of occupation meetings or general assemblies (voting on proposals, general discussion, ensuring everyone gets a voice, etc)? We have a stack for speaking, hand signals, and stuff like that, but it was still pretty messy and felt like we weren't getting much done. Thanks!
I found this GREAT for a starting point. It includes things you've mentioned like stacks, and hand grestures. It also gives a pretty good overview of a general structure with room to modify as per your situation.
Unfortunately this is as much as I've found so far.