Forum Post: ineptitude
Posted 7 years ago on Aug. 16, 2017, 9:58 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
To US Rep. Lamar Smith To US Senator John Cornyn To US Senator Ted Cruz
Whether or not President Trump is guilty of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors, he's proven himself to be an unable by intellect and/or temperament to carry out the duties of the office of President of the United States. Impeachment by section 4 or removal by the authority of the 25th amendment of the US Constitution is indicated.
It's time to face the facts. Given more rope Trump will hang not only himself but likely take the Republican Party with him. I certainly won't vote for a Republican while that embarrassment to America and the human race remains in the White House. God may suffer fools but I don't.
P.S. Are you certain he's not a Democrat plant designed to sabotage the Republican Party?
There's no honest or sincerity in conservatives or conservatism.
I want you to know: FDR removed the aristocrat's boot from the throat of labor. Blue collar revolutionaries coupled with the GI Bill created the Post WWII prosperity. Ronald Reagan reasserted the power of aristocracy, put down labor and restored poverty and debt to most while enriching the masters on the other side of that zero sum equation.
We're still digging the hole we've been in ever since...
Traitor slavers, nazis and fascists all fervently believe they are the good guys. Argument will never change their minds about their good and our evil. In the end it's about whose side you are on.
Interesting theory, if only....
My US Rep. is Lamar Smith. He's never before failed to harp on "EPA overreach" and/or other conservative touch stones. He's never before failed to provide a counter argument to any email topic I've confronted him with until the above. He didn't defend Trump. Nor did he condemn him ... but:
“Dear Mr. Kaiser,
“Thank you for your recent email regarding holding President Trump accountable. I appreciate hearing from you.
“Congress will hold President Trump to the same standards as previous Presidents. Be assured, Congressional oversight of the Executive branch is a top priority for me, as it was with former administrations. No person is above the law.”
from the email reply by Lamar Smith
Cons are really stupid. It's not going to be easy to light them up. But the reply by Smith shows promise.
I have concerns that Pence could be even worse than Trump because he is even more "retrograde" than Trump. Citing the Will of the spaghetti Monster in the sky is a great way for providing an excuse to splatter spaghetti sauce all over the world. He seems rather willing to cut our poor people, a very disconnected out-of-touch person. Trump reads newspapers at least or he would not have ranted on about them in tweets incessantly. I am terribly afraid of inbreeding in politics.
so what? should we embrace and forgive Hitler because Stalin might be worse? you deal with the first danger first then worry about what comes next. American's are much too easily diverted and distracted. Try to rise above the norm.
Exactly the type of thinking that we all need to get away from = the lesser of two evils being acceptable!
Because THAT is blatant BULLSHIT = evil is evil and should be shunned in all of it's forms and degrees!
Stalin & Hitler = two worthy of retroactive abortion!
just so - sHillary & Drumpf
In my Utilitarian version of Christianity, there is always a "best choice" under any given set of conditions. If we must choose either Hitler or Stalin, we embrace and forgive Hitler because Stalin is worse.
Your way just doesn't work well. I use a metaphor. The patches of road immediately in front of my car's tires may be the first danger but I as a good driver look far ahead rather than fixate on these patches.
If there's no headroom, no one can rise above anything. Red China will eat our children for sure. Maybe it will be a cheap and spaghetti-Monster-approved method of post natal population control as we have witnessed in Detroit and Chicago. Can you smell the metal already? Heinz "spaghetti in tomato sauce" is great!
Bianca, Heinz.
Heinz, ... Bianca. Yokohama/Kamakura 卍
evil is evil and good is good but both are only in our heads. there is no good or evil. there's only whose side are you on?
Yes, whether moguls, Mongoloids, or honorary Mongoloids, know which side you are on and be there, to fight for "the Good Death." Beyond Good and Evil.
Explain that, please! I'm a little slow!
Read the last paragraph of the following comment:
I remember my family album's faded hand?-colored photograph of Daibutsu which my Dad told me as having been taken in Yokohama 横浜市/Kamakura 卍 shortly after the nuclear bombs had exploded and General MacArthur had gone in to occupy Japan. Later on, the Korean War(initiated by Kim Il Sun, the Savior of Japan via the U.S. military purchases) and the transistors saved postwar Japan's economy.
Last week, we narrowly escaped a nuclear confrontation over Guam:
The future of the U.S.A. and the free world is at stake. After the last farewell, 'Leonidas' must take a stance. I know what it may lead to (a trade war, a hot war, or a nuclear war) but I see no other way out for our Royal Clown Colony.
Red China has been waging an economic war on the U.S.A. and is now preparing for a trade war by limiting the debt exposure from their corporate overseas acquisitions. Central and South Asia and Eastern Europe are to be incorporated into Red China's "co-prosperity sphere" to circumvent the power of the blue-sea navy of the U.S.A. to impose blockade (primarily on Middle-Eastern crude) at the Strait of Malacca.
Pakistan was the source of the nuclear proliferation troubles that had been brewing for all, most recently with DPRK, previously with Iran and Libya. Pakistan is the nuclear-armed Islamic state protecting the Indian Ocean port of Red China. It is a U.S. "ally" and so is the Islamic state of Saudi Arabia our most important one in the Middle East. Yes, Muslim nuclear weapons do exist.
Sour G seems to spend a lot of time on magical mystery tours fueled by LSD. I have no solid evidence - just the crap Sour Grapes spews!
I seldom respond to the off the wall comments. This may have been the first time. Anyway, it just seemed so foreign to any of my own chemically induced fantasies I just had to wonder why he just didn't call me a retard and be done with it?
You have served a bit of peace on earth while Pootin stayed on vacation. Kursk will be the imprisoned lightning for America's future in a sunken steel crypt, under the discrediting of free speech and injecting fake news and wanton tweets. Losing the economic war with the Reds will ensure the collapse of the U.S.A. and probably the free world as well. Who will fight Totalitarianism then?
Post World War II has seen the greatest prosperity growth for much of the world due to the relative peace despite the Cold War. U.S. isolationism after World War I likely allowed World War II to occur due to the unequal Treaty of Versailles. When the clarions sound, answer the call to rendevous with Destiny.
FDR removed the aristocrat's boot from the throat of labor. Blue collar revolutionaries coupled with the GI Bill created the Post WWII prosperity. Ronald Reagan reasserted the power of aristocracy, put down labor and restored poverty and debt to most while enriching the masters on the other side of that zero sum equation.
We're still digging the hole we've been in ever since...
Trump tries to emulate Reagan but Reagan used his bully pulpit far more judiciously. Reagan reached out directly to the American people when he wanted Congress to pass an important legislation. He did not undercut his spokespeople, unlike Trump.
Yes, Trump is inept in that regard. He created so much unnecessary disturbance that his administration functions as well as a crab with its legs and claws cut off, twitching independently. I was especially aghast that he would even create troubles for himself with abandon.
I do feel sorry for him because he could have lived in peace better as a billionaire. Ignorance is bliss. In the 1970's, I was not alarmed at all by the news that there were lines of cars at gas stations or some stations didn't even have gas to sell but the cause of it all hit me and my family hard alright. "We are all connected" but it takes wisdom to realize that and I was blessed and "protected" by my childhood ignorance. "Things just happen, duh!"
The Presidency is an awfully demanding and stressful job. I remember that Obama had to deal with the shoebomber while he was Christmas-vacationing in Hawaii. WTF!
Another time was the BP oil spill in the Gulf. Our government was clearly out of its depth but he was still expected to "pretend to be doing something" by "keeping the boot on the neck of British Petroleum."
It reminds me of my "job" to crawl under the kid's bed to clear out the "Monster" there at bedtime.
The boot on BP Gulf Spill [Show] was all theater. (Why does the spellcheck here use a Tory dictionary?) So was the '70s oil shortage. I was working on the boiler wall on the Ohio river side of a coal fired power house then. We watched the same oil barges, full and low in the water, cruise up and down the river for many days. We had to wait in line for gas for hours and then pay outrageous prices. Fifty cents per gallon was at least twice what it should have been. The neo liberal Democratic Party is little better than the outright cons on the nominally other side.
I agree with flip. We must prepare for the age of expensive or no oil. Oil is an IRREPLACEABLE resource(replaceable only on the timescale of many millions of years) NO MATTER what we do.
There is almost always the euphoria after breakthroughs in technology, such as ocean drilling, deep-water floating-platform drilling, inert gas injection, horizontal drilling, hydrofracking, etc. The projected oil reserves can balloon greatly in their aftermath but they inevitably come down when reality hits. We have already seen the hydrofracking of the Permian Basin oil wells in Texass yielding less oil(natural gas came out instead of oil) than expected. North Sea oil wells may also dry up. This is why Free Europe must develop other energy supplies or it will lose its freedom.
The recoverable oil reserve is similar to a wavefunction of physics or a stock market of economy. It has everything you can ever know about how much oil will be there but it experiences "collapse of the wavefunction" when you try to recover the oil expected.
It is also the reason why a stock market experiences "collapse of the wavefunction" whenever stockholders start yelling, "The Emperor is NAKED!" and head for the exit en masse. Crude reserves, quantum wavefunctions, and stock market's "capitalizations" are all built upon EXPECTATIONS and subject to instantaneous informational collapses.
Our oil age MUST end. However, probably not in flip's lifetime. Isn't he lucky? I suspect that I'm also a lucky one.
we are for sure running out of oil. at least the type we need to run our society - cheap and plentiful. not sure exactly what you meant by your comment but everybody who can should start preparing for a future where oil is harder to come by. long story here but don't believe the hype in main stream financial circles that we have all the cheap oil and gas we need for years.
The entire oil shortage was fabricated... a lie... A Nixon con! Corporate owners of gov't and just about everything else are not just frauds. They're a threat to the survival of the human race. The CEOs and billionaires need to be eliminated from the gene pool in self defense.
Science head is also pulling out from the A.S.S.:
What a coincidence, just as der Ring des Nibelungen of a total solar eclipse was one!
It is the second time that the members of the 7th Fleet were murdered: It is clear that corporate interests are very willing to kill people when they are threatened, this time at the choke point of the Strait of Malacca. Yokosuka 横須賀市 accommodates the 7th Fleet's homebase next to Yokohama 横浜市/Kamakura 卍.
I am pulling my head out of my donkey. I am concerned about the beet or orange turnip being pulled out by the Illuminati, from the A.S.S.
Manufactured FALSE crises - to get caps removed from regulating the Fossil Fuel Industry!
So many fail to make that connection - that it was all a PUT-ON
"Perhaps the full barges were told to find the highest prices for their oil. Or it could be a form of hoarding when prices shot up too fast. Markets break down in high inflation rates.
"The oil refineries might also balk at the high prices and cancel the purchases. I saw a similar problem with newbie gas station owners. Needless to say, the gas stations with no gas to sell often went out of business."
Seriously! WTF! The entire oil shortage was fabricated... a lie... A Nixon con! Corporate owners of gov't and just about everything else are not just frauds. They're a threat to the survival of the human race. The CEOs and billionaires need to be eliminated from the gene pool in self defence. And you need to get your head out of your ass!
Perhaps the full barges were told to find the highest prices for their oil. Or it could be a form of hoarding when prices shot up too fast. Markets break down in high inflation rates.
The oil refineries might also balk at the high prices and cancel the purchases. I saw a similar problem with newbie gas station owners. Needless to say, the gas stations with no gas to sell often went out of business.
Sour Grapes is not likely to call you a retard - as that would cut off on-going bullshit responses from him/her(?)
You have served a bit of peace on earth by being the springboard.
Large Load of CRAP
Evil is Evil = neither is acceptable
The Fifty Shades of Grey School of Economics questions why, despite the eternal struggle, the Good has never prevailed over the Evil.
Good is Good. Evil is Evil. The Holy water has Never cleansed away the tarry dirt. Why? There was No soap used! Soap belongs in "the shades of grey," chemically.
We use guard dogs to protect sheep from wolves. Why? Dogs are soapy wolves! They see and feel like wolves.
Being grey provides an extra degree of freedom or a variable that may allow a solution to a problem to be found. For example, when solving a partial differential equation, we may use "the method of the separation of variables" by introducing a Soapy trial solution that is a Compound of hypothetical functions of the variables to be separated.
Law enforcement also uses plea bargainings for getting the evidence necessary for the prosecution of crimes.
This map clearly shows the prickly penis reaching towards Austin, Texas, due to our Con-gress-ional gerrymandering. "Voters do NOT choose representatives. Representatives CHOOSE voters."
Preventive wars are stupid - Otto von Bismarck:
Never become involved in a land war in Asia - Douglas MacArthur.
Finish the gore. Rise to the occasion - in Texass for justice.
I've emailed the Texas congressmen indicated. I'll post this on Facebook and email friends and relatives as well.