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Forum Post: Income inequality in America: The 99 percent

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 4:33 p.m. EST by groobiecat2 (746) from Brattleboro, VT
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From that liberal rag The Economist:

OF ALL the many banners being waved around the world by disgruntled protesters from Chile to Australia the one that reads, "We Are the 99%" is the catchiest. It is purposefully vague, but it is also underpinned by some solid economics. A report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) points out that income inequality in America has not risen dramatically over the past 20 years—when the top 1% of earners are excluded. With them, the picture is quite different. The causes of the good fortune of those at the top are disputed, but the CBO provides some useful detail on that too. The biggest component of the increase in after-tax income for the top one percent is "business income" as opposed to income from labour or investments (though admittedly these things are hard to untangle). Whatever the cause, the data are powerful because they tend to support two prejudices. First, that a system that works well for the very richest has delivered returns on labour that are disappointing for everyone else. Second, that the people at the top have made out like bandits over the past few decades, and that now everyone else must pick up the bill. Of course it is a little more complicated than that. But this downturn ought to test the normally warm feelings in America of the 99% towards the 1%.




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[-] 3 points by ComeTogetherNOW (650) 13 years ago

The Chart says it all. They cashed in on our backs, and we were cashed OUT. Now the richer are filthy rich and we are struggling to survive while being berated as lazy by those who despise us.


[-] 1 points by America921 (161) 13 years ago

The Economist is by no means Liberal biased.

[-] 1 points by groobiecat2 (746) from Brattleboro, VT 13 years ago

I was being sarcastic...


[-] 1 points by ReubenBaron (47) from New York, NY 13 years ago

and why do we go along with it? There is a choice there. Look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amNO_QJzaQ8 OK, this is a little tongue-in-cheek--a little --I'm not condoning killing bankers, but there is a willingness to be fucked that is getting a little old. Thoughts?

[-] 1 points by ModestCapitalist (2342) 13 years ago

MIAMI (CBSMiami.com) – Florida is touting the new jobs it created Friday after a positive unemployment report. But based on numbers from all W-2’s filed in the country, the wages simply aren’t keeping up.

According to the Social Security Administration, 50 percent of U.S. workers made less than $26,364 in 2010. In addition, those making less than $200,000, or 98 percent of Americans, saw their earnings fall by $4.5 billion collectively.

The sobering numbers were a far cry from what was going on for the richest one percent of Americans.

The incomes of the top one percent of the wage scale in the U.S. rose in 2010; and their collective wage earnings jumped by $120 billion.

In addition, those earning at least $1 million a year in wages, which is roughly 93,000 Americans, reported payroll income jumped 22 percent from 2009.

Overall, the economy has shed 5.2 million jobs since the start of the Great Recession in 2007. It’s the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression in the 1930’s.