Forum Post: Inclusivity breeds diologue
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 4:50 a.m. EST by strangerinhere
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I know people get heated about issues surrounding the OWS movement, but from an outside perspective when i see posts in the vien of "when the rev comes ima come to your house beat your face in and take you food" I am less likely to take the messages of real OWS participants seriously. If people are going to have logical perspectives about reform to our current state of affairs and open dialogue which may at times be challenging to all involved, there needs to be more appropriate responses and posts than "fuck Ayn Rand". I appreciate parts of this movement very mich and there will probably not be some end all be all solution which everyone agrees on as the proper course of action, but if real conversations are going to happen there needs to be open eyes and ears, not simply accusitory hate mongering. Some of the 99% will like Ayn Rand, or big houses or what have you, that makes them no less a possible ally in the movement. Inclusivity creates more open space for people to actually diologue rather than just scream type at each other.
In all honesty I disagree with that stand point as well. Although, the government should take into account that some people feel it is getting close to that point. I don't think the proviolence people are a part of the peaceful protest movement. I think they are just a small percent that take advantage of being able to say anything online. But who knows.