Forum Post: In which city will the guillotine be constructed?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:25 p.m. EST by jasonhills01
from Fort Lauderdale, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I mean, revolution is where the Occupy Wall Street movement is heading, correct?
There is no struggle here. The people protesting are bored. The people in the french revolution were starving. these people are cowards who have been failed by the education system.
i loled.
You. Have. No. Idea. What. Struggle. Is.
Let me see you starving in the streets begging for money. Then on your 2nd to last day before death, you're given an AK47 and a peice of bread. then you are told by a stranger to kill anyone with a uniform.
THAT is a revolution. that is struggle. You are nothing. Re-evaluate your time on this earth.
Be sure to hold that sign when you protest "Ex-con with two life sentences at the agr of twenty... lol"
You're all the same.
Wish I could be in a jail cell with your coward ass!
Your parents/reptiles that created you....should be bad....they had you! You worthless piece of shit!
keep goin' little man, you're on a roll!
You mad bro?
did you hear those footsteps? it's daddy. he's drunk again. it's going to be a long night. :(
They'd LIKE to cut off heads but they're not organized or thoughtful enough to build a guillotine, and they refuse to be exploited by capitalist pigs so they can't purchase the blade or nuts or bolts, they'll merely complain that the 99% want a guillotine but the 1% are driving guillotine inequality. Given enough time (another Bloomberg term?) a Robespierre will certainly emerge, or a Robespierre in a liberal's clothing. Living history. We have all been here before...
You're right, don't even bother criticizing the intermingling of government and corporate interests until you are starving on the streets in 3rd world fashion. Sound logic.
We understand why you are frighted. Change is unnerving. This must be very difficult for you. You and the others who are posting negative comments on this forum are feeling threatened and uncertain. We understand. These are anxious times.Try to consider this from the perspective of those on "the other side."
Keep in mind that there is no "other side": there is one country, under God.
Join us.
No. That isn't where it is heading. At this point, it is simply making the issue of inequality an issue that media can no longer ignore. If this is the only thing the movement does, it will be a success. Likely, the movement will have more success when candidates are asked about their plans to address inequality and are then judged by their answers.
You are naive if you think this isn't going to end in violence. And then we will all live in misery. And then the cycle will begin again. ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL but some are more equal than others
You are a coward.
Oh SHUT UP. In case you hadn't noticed, this movement doesn't have a Napoleon. And it's not calling for people to be killed. It's asking for REASONABLE reforms in this society. It is REASONABLE to ask that our politicians not be bribed by corporations. It is REASONABLE that anyone willing to work a full time job be able to earn a living wage. It is REASONABLE to demand that we stop wasting money, lives, and precious resources fighting oil wars instead of investing in alternative energies. It is REASONABLE to insist that our children have the right to an intact ecosystem and the natural resources every living thing in the community of life requires for survival.
You people are absurd. If this ends in violence, it will be because the movement gains traction and sees real success. Because at that point, the ruling elite will make their choice - and they can choose to change, or they can choose to use violence in an attempt to silence the people. It's up to them, really. The movement has no obligation to stand down and shut up because of YOUR leaders propensity toward violence.
Shut up? nice. And the comments wouldn't even let me say shut up in all caps.
Never claimed to be nice. You're the one who called us Animal Farm. Suck it.