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Forum Post: In the middle of the night I am awakened by this thought

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 2:22 a.m. EST by NortonSound (176)
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As humans, they are mortal, but hold an aire of bravado, they think they will live forever, as any thick headed biped, but they will succumb to an untimely end by their own or nature's hand, just like all living things. One is born and one dies, as nature even governs the mightiest mountains will one day crumble into the sea, up will rise new mountains, new corporations that for a time fulfill the needs of their public, then fade back into obscurity, remembered only by those who shared their era. Nothing lasts forever, but wanting to live forever, some corporations grasp with their boney fingers like drowning swimmers for one more gasp of air, can they pay off a talk show host to demonize any one, politicians and peon who raise the specter of innovation and adaptability. No things must stay the same, until one day they find themselves on the street corner, begging the passer-by to please take these useless things off their table, and under their breath and between swallows of rotgut they can be heard muttering, damn those young whipper snappers, I once had it so good!



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[-] 1 points by Cayce (83) 13 years ago

The best thing a person can achieve is lingering presence when one is dead.

This Movement has the power to do that. If it continues on, like I know it will, It will be taught about in schools much like the 60's-70's Movement.

This is a few years worth of commitment. And I'm one willing to see it through.

[-] 1 points by NortonSound (176) 13 years ago

The battle is on the ledger, too many of the old corps have resorted to deceiving their public, and are now being made an example in public view, they are losing the esteem their riches represent. By simply hoarding dollars, which are actually credits on a ledger, they are already beginning to die off on their own, as inflation eats away as quality parts and personnel become more scarce, only the innovative will remain, the Occupy movements are simply waving good bye to these old goats, and it must be terribly humiliating for those working with the smell of things going stale all around them, there is no long-term nursing home care currently available for corps desperately seeking just a few more decades without innovation. Their customers are furious with their performance and taking it to the streets, what lame business practices would u or i have to commit for our customers to start shouting up to our offices from the streets below for months on-end? I hope they teach that next semester in Business 101.