Forum Post: In regards to ISIS, Obama Playing like a kid with matchsticks.....
Posted 10 years ago on Sept. 11, 2014, 3:58 p.m. EST by Shule
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Ah yes, I see Obama playing like a kid with matchsticks and a gasoline canister in an already burning tinder box.
You'd think on this day 9/11, he'd reflect and learn a little something from the past.
A nation that is on the Hook to the tune of 14T can't afford adventures.Airpower alone can't eradicate the IS.Apparently they think the Iraqi Army is going to help out with Boots on the Ground.Unfortunately,the Feet in those Boots are attached to people who are deeply committed to being everywhere and anywhere that IS is not.More Billions can't change the fact that the Billions already spent were totally wasted.The strategery being described by Obama isn't going to work.Any attempt by the Congresscritters to pay for a new and expanded Awesome Adventure is not likely to work.Maybe people will start unloading Tbills and refuse to buy them anymore.With all of this,how could it ever pay?Anything Goes-Nothing Matters inside the Infernal Beltway.
Humpty Dumpty again
I'm bored with wars.Why can't we just load up billions of dollars in cash and just burn it.Then we could at least get a weenie-roast out of the deal,and it could be accomplished without deaths or injuries.
I'd vote for you to be Prez with good ideas like that. I'll bring the marsh mellows.
That's what the cops do with all the Pot and Dope they seize-helps support prices for their Pals,the DD's.Making a giant pile of money or saleable commodities is an old trick.Distasteful in almost all situations,which is why I propose a little party to go with it.As a veteran of the Catering Industry,I can guarantee at least 10 different DELICIOUS hors d'oevres.Wait till you try my stuffed mushrooms.You will then want to vote for me TWICE.
So. KEGGER at the Fed Reserve?
YEAH! Give us lemons,we sell them and buy BEER! Heck with Lemonade!
Besides - technically ( in-spite of the cold snap ) I think it is still summer. And a wedge of lemon in a beer is pretty tasty. {;-])
As usual,you are right.The Free Stuff Army will provide free beer and sangria-we should keep the 100 million billion trillion super sour lemons given to us by TPTB. The FSA is well practiced at producing free alcoholic beverages.They are world famous for their expertise in this area-and rightfully so!
lol. Ummm the free stuff army - would that be like . . . well . . . ermmm . . . ahem cough cough . . Boner and Buddies in office as well as industry?
If there is no job for you,and you can't relocate or be supported by your relatives,you end up in the Free Stuff Army.I have belonged to the FSA on and off for many years,because I have a seizure disorder of unknown etiology.I get 2 different types of seizures.I haven't had one of the severe type for 2 years.Knock on wood.It is my understanding that the unemployment rate for Disabled Persons went up,from 68% to 80% after the 07-08 crash.
OK - thanks for the explanation/description. I joined the ranks of the permanently disabled in 2008 when I lost my last job - due to fibromyalgia and my health maintenance requirements - though my former employer would plead a different case as to their reasoning for letting me go.
Regardless - when considering my age at the time - even completely healthy - it would have been next to impossible to find re-employment at a living wage. ( age and over-experience discrimination - IS - very real ).
But I do not and will not consider myself as part of a free stuff army.
I have worked hard for over 40 yrs and would still be working ( though every day would be like living in hell ) to this very day - if I had my last job - as it was to a gr8 degree cerebral work - creating inspection reports - running the equipment calibration program etc etc etc.
The name Free Stuff Army - I find to be quite derogatory. As I would be working today if there were a place for me - AS WOULD MANY MANY OTHERS.
The state of our economy is in no way shape or form my fault nor the fault of others forced onto disability.
Yes-the Free Stuff Army is what asshole Libertarians call people like myself who live off of checks and SNAP.I don't know if they lump retired people and people like you in with gimps like me and the generally unemployable or not.I have tried very hard to get off these checks,but nothing has ever worked out for very long.The thing Libertarians can't see is that people who have no part to play in Capitalism are being paid to not work.Lots of workers and enterprises accept money to refrain from doing one or another kind of work,so what's the difference?Anyhow,I volunteer my services in the community.Lots of people who own small businesses need help with all different kinds of art problems.Signs-graphics-graffiti removal-all that.These people would have to do without these services if they had to pay,so they are better off because I get checks.If you dislike the term Free Stuff Army.I will stop using it here-but I will confess I absolutely love it.
Free stuff army. That makes me so sick - it outrages me so very very much. And that you would like to adopt the derogatory term - well - I can understand the feeling of sarcasm in it's use - but the term as used by those in positions of power - by those who are supposed to represent the people - sickens me so much - as to the fact of how out of touch with reality that they are as well as by the fact of the entitlements that they claim for themselves - IT MAKES ME WANT TO TEAR OUT MY HAIR AND GO SCREAMING INTO THE NIGHT.
Um-I will refrain from using the term.I hate the way they think also.The reasoning is that if they mock unemployed people with a derogatory term,adopting the term and using it indicates to them that their insults have had the opposite effect than intended.What they want is for unemployed people to just disappear.We will see who ends up disappearing relatively soon.Those who say the nastiest things may find themselves living in a car in a few years.What goes around has a way of coming around...
No - don't mind me - go ahead and use the term if you want to. I only ask that you make it very clear - so that there can be no possibility of the misunderstanding of it's use - that every time you do use the term - that you are throwing it back in their ( TPTB ) faces.
The choices we have are the choices we have.They would do the same given the same choices.If accepting checks was not in the best interest of the 1% I would not be given the option.I don't consider the checks to be unearned,because I help other people for part of every day for very little or usually no pay.They would have no help at all if I was at work,so it works out just fine.Fuck the Libertarians.Wait awhile and the Upper Middle Class will be a nice snack for the ravenous Monster 1%.They think the 1% considers them to be equals and won't harm them.The people who have a few million have been saved for a tasty desert after the mass devouring event.Try telling them that though...
Jeez Louise.What's the Definition of Insanity,again?
American Politics bought by BIG money!!!!
Doesn't get any worse than this-unless it is found that the MIC has decided to make money by selling Terror Groups-NUCLEAR WEAPONS! They would never do that-would they?
naw....of course not... unless their neighbor gets a bigger boat ... and they need the extra cash
HA-HA-HA! There's NOTHING The Merchants of Death won't do to make Money! Anybody who wants to make some money has only to create a usable design for a Vehicle that scoops up Human Beings as it Rolls Along,then automatically Kills and Incinerates them in a separate compartment,jettisoning the remains as it goes..The MIC will buy and develop this product if they can make a buck doing it! This is what happens when Money owns us instead of we owning it! The Muslims are Pissed-as Well they might Be! Why isn't everyone else?(Loud Screams of Anger and Dismay)
Yaaa... it's simple problem ..... re-define money ... re-define ... what is wealth
We gotta hurry up before someone invents an all in one type human disposal machine.The people who now have all the money can certainly afford it!
The ones who have all the money apparently think that they are immune to everything - like - mega storms - rising ocean - air pollution - water pollution - soil pollution - food toxins - etc etc etc. They think that they are F'n immortal.
So don't put it past em - to use the disposal machines that are already available to em = Nuclear Bombs. Hell they will probably sit on their patios and try to get a tan when they set em off in their own back yard.
Yes - they are that insane!
From your keyboard to God's email,DK.They mean to kill us all.The Bastards.
Polls are apparently showing "approval" of Obama's Strategery-WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot?
the first rule of airstrikes is no one talks about airstrikes
Air power alone cannot prevail.Air Power combined with the Iraqi Army is a dubious proposition,IMHO.We can only wonder what the Non Commissioned Officers are thinking right now.
The Israel wants the gas deposits offshore of Gaza,a pipeline across Syria Assad will not allow,and water in Southern Lebanon & western Syria they can't get unless Assad Goes.They have the power to force the hand of US politicians-the outcome they cannot control...
and that shit load of weapons we shipped ther
we are instigating unnecessary violence on both counts
[ edit ] Which is Why The DICK Cheney and ol war dog McCain ( and other MIC members and supporters ) are driving so hard to put American Boots on the ground - AGAIN - and for forever.
None of em are interested in seeing the area come to terms with itself "BY" itself. HELL - it could mean some sort of lasting peace might develop with the recognition by the people who live there that their Holy (?) men are wrong in calling for never ending jihad on their neighbors ( next door or across a border ) or such things.
They the middle east might come to some sort of understanding and acceptance of each-other and fully realize that the enemies of peace in their lands - are - ALL - OUTSIDERS.
edit-> And what I mean by - all outsiders being their enemies ( in case you were wondering folks ) - is - all outside governments and business.
Capitalism=Profits>Power>Moar Profits>Moar Power-eventually arriving where we are right now.If it can't be controlled,it has to end.We need a cooperative system or we are not going to make it.
MattHolck-they will say "All cats are grey in the Dark." It's another self serving Falsehood.Perhaps that's why they have flooded the area with so MANY weapons? Maximum Chaos might favor the desired outcome?
Out of order-they want maximum Chaos so they can invade Syria w/o American People knowing what they are actually doing?
DKA-Putin=Mother of all Butinskis-(Curry/Dvorak-"Poooootiiiin!!!")re Syria-lmao!
weapon barer make legitimate targets for airstrike
Oppression is not enforceable without violence
Oppression can be used to take property and resources
They really blew their timing on that one ( Syria ). They could have done a Libya style blow up the machines of war on the ground ( in the very beginning ) - and have claimed - Humanitarian action to protect the civil population. Then like Libya - they could have just walked away - militarily - and sent in the business ..... um .... sorry .... scuse . . . the peace negotiators to offer help in bettering their new dictators bottom line - ummm - I meant - to provide healthy for all upgrades to the country - to eliminate strife and causes of armed conflict ( HEH ).
It is so good to see all of the protests popping up "new" as well as all of the sustained protests that are continuing to build support.
Can we do enough - soon enough - in the little time remaining to act - prior to the very worst in environmental chain reactions ( unstoppable chain reactions ) to take off?
I think "that" time has passed us by - and now we must do all we can to become sustainably clean and implement immediately - as we are going to need to put any other available energy into combating/recovering from ( SURVIVING ) the results of our toxic practices.
As they say in Gaza-"Hope Dies Last."
We can definitely do better than moving at the speed of business - while shutting out basically all of the population from decision making - and giving the decision making to those who are insane with greed.
Minutes to Midnight-Time To Organize!
And consider - if clean operations were required to be clean at the very outset - well - Uranium power plants may well have never happened. A Bad thing some might say? { no doubt about it - many would say }
But. If Nuclear power had been required to be clean from the very outset. Perhaps the Thorium Breeder Reactor would have gotten the funding and support it needed to go on-line.
Result? Clean safe nuclear power generation/creation - without tons and tons of radioactive waste.
What else in this world would be different - requiring clean operation from day 1 ?
The Iroquois Confederacy required consideration of SEVEN generations before making decisions.That seems about right,IMHO.
Yep - and do not put off till tomorrow ( in perpetuity ) what needs to be dealt with from day one = clean operations = what ever the operation = no toxins allowed into the environment from any operation. Can't be done? Then it ( the operation - whatever it is ) should not be done.
You got dat right,Mon Ami.As soon as they gotta pay for those Externalities,they go Belly Up.Better them than us.
One "must" come to that very conclusion - when one looks at the practices being carried out - supported by government - not just our government - but pretty much every single government in the world. They all have the same ties/masters = the insane assholes with all of the money.
How can they even be considering dropping MOAR bombs on people in the ME countries?
As they don't care about the innocent civilians - they don't care about people at all - they care about control of and access to natural resources - that's it - "that is all".
People Before Profits-like, right f'n NOW!
Absolutely - and this is what the average individual needs to wake up and see and act on - People Health Life "all" life before profits.
social credit
HEHE ... is that also a plug for social wealth ?
I just like the word credibility