Forum Post: In Life, You Are Defined By Your Enemies......Choose Them Well......
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 18, 2011, 12:16 a.m. EST by puff6962
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Get out of the parks and launch sustained protests upon sites or targets that will, by their choice, define your message.
Here are some examples:
Americans for Tax Reform 1920 L Street NW - Suite 200 Washington DC 20036. (Website: This is Grover Norquist's headquarters and the locus of half of the money and influence flowing from some rather crazy billionaires.
And, speaking of billionaires, why not pay a visit upon a Kock brother..... David Koch resides in Manhattan. You will find him at 740 Park Avenue. You will learn some interesting history of this building from wikipedia:
Why not show up at Gingrich events and pass out fake gift certificates to Tiffany's? How about visiting John Boehner, wherever you can find him, and give him a copy of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." Dress up as the Tin Man from "The Wizard of Oz" and give Eric Cantor a heart. Dress up as "The Scarecrow" and give Mitch McConnell....well, give him a heart as well. He does look like a scarecrow, though, doesn't he?
Finally, dress up in your best clothes, take a shower, and in a--very dignified manner--march on and protest FOX NEWS until the bums rough you up on camera.
You must decide now whether you will define your enemies or have your enemies define you.
Choose well and choose quickly.
you are absolutely brilliant.
I'm almost tempted to get a shave and a hair cut.
I said.
Thank you. Coming from you, I am truly honored.
stop it - common.
what you've posted speaks for itself.
I just posted a second link on an Occupy DC website, this last points back here.
First Power, Then Change.