Forum Post: "In a world where 1% of the population owns 40% of the planets wealth...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 11:50 p.m. EST by Synergy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
In a world where 34,000 children die every single day from poverty and preventable diseases; And, where 50% of the world's population lives on less than 2 dollars a day, One thing is clear -- Something is very wrong!"
I agree that we need to look a lot more closely at state of the world as a whole. American "exceptionalism" should not refer to the most rapacious, most irresponsible steward of the world's resources in the world, with our only plan to deal with consequences is, "somehow our poorly educated children and grandchildren will innovate their way out of the mess."
Blindness (environmental or economic) is not a virtue to aspire to.
Who in america lives on less than 2 dollars a day?... We spend $4 on latte for godsake... America is greedy and spends money like crazy.
If we learn how to fix problems we might even take on some bigger ones. Let's start small and fix the world's superpower and largest economy first, then next week....
Absolutely, we could make minor temporary changes to improve our system. Things like getting money out of politics. That won't solve technological unemployment. That won't solve the inevitable corrupting influence of the monetary incentive. I'm 100% behind getting money out of politics, opening up the presidential debates to allow third parties, ending the Fed and so on. However, we need to recognize that our foundational problems originate from the system we are attempting to fix. The system IS the problem.
Don't get me wrong, it served its purpose in the past, but times have changed. Incentive works for manual labor, but actually undermines creative occupations. All manual labor is being automated now or soon to be. We face new problems today than we did yesterday. We need new solutions.
I agree with you. except re the Fed. Every country has one, the fact that it is getting corrupted means it needs a huge dose of transparency and better accountability to non political goals. Also the insistence on transparency of the others should be a requirement to access to the US market. But, that is another debate. Only by getting the money out do we have a short at fixing the Fed or replacing it with what?
Stop worrying about the world. Feed your neighbor.