Forum Post: IMPORTANT: Urge Protesters To VOTE Next Election!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 5:02 p.m. EST by quantumcipher
from San Diego, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I cannot emphasize this enough. Protesting is a good start, and one the best ways to express our views & have our message heard.
However, this may prove futile if we do not, in addition, exercise our right to vote! If we let the GOP & Tea Party take the Senate, on top of the House of Representatives, or the Presidency, we're screwed.
We're screwed with Obama. We'll be screwed over 100 fold if we let this happen. We cannot allow this.
Personally, I will be voting for the most progressive Presidential candidate in the Democratic Primary, in hopes we will get a better alternative to Obama. If Obama wins the primary, consider voting for him regardless, as the alternative would be Romney, Perry, etc. Think about that, and just imagine for a moment how much worse off we will be if we allow this to happen.
You can register to vote here (among other places):
Please, for our sake, for your sake, for the sake for the sake of everyone in this country, vote this (and every) election!
Divide .. Divide by party ... This is how the oligarchs control us Forget voting ... forget political parties ... You don't have to vote for the lesser of two evils anymore ... contribute, join, discuss, come to consensus, act as one force and change the game. united we stand divided we fall Do not let this movement be co opted by the establishment They are trying to figure us out now
You have a valid point. I shouldn't have emphasized partisan behavior.
Rather, vote with your conscience, even if you vote for a third-party candidate who has no chance of winning the election (realistically). Just keep that in mind when you vote, and always vote according to your own beliefs. Do not let anyone else tell you how to vote. That is your decision, and yours alone.
Ya great ... cool ... We are talking about change ... but (realistically) nothing is going to change ... we (realistically) can't change anything ... we can only (realistically) live with what we got... No (realistically) you will have to live with severing the 1% ... no (realistically) you can only work within the rules provided ... no (realistically) you have no say ...
Vote with your wallet! Be aware of what corrupt corporations your credit cards and purchases feed! If it's greed that talks, make sure your money walks. And yes, vote in the elections too.
The 1%'s wallet is bigger then the 99%'s wallets combined
Agreed. That's another way to influence our democracy, as we all know corporate (and even union) lobbyists have used to a downright criminal extent. It is time for the PEOPLE of this nation to retake our democracy.
Your votes are a waste of time. Our government is corrupt - all parties and all members of the federal government. Ever wonder why the 99% are never allowed to vote on any real issues, only the representatives. Our representatives, representing the 1%, do that for us. How nice. Maybe it's time to allow the 99% to vote on every issue and dismiss those useless representatives that don't represent our interests.
Your votes are a waste of time. Our government is corrupt - all parties and all members of the federal government. Ever wonder why the 99% are never allowed to vote on any real issues, only the representatives. Our representatives, representing the 1%, do that for us. How nice. Maybe it's time to allow the 99% to vote on every issue and dismiss those useless representatives that don't represent our interests.
Recall that Obama has extended or expanded every one of Bush's policies, which themselves built upon the finance-friendly Clinton years.
The Democratic Party's strategy is to make you feel afraid of the Republicans. They have nothing else to offer. They are career politicians with no fidelity to the working class and the unemployed, whom they have attacked for years.
The operative word of the movement should not be "Vote" but rather "Strike"--as in general strike.
Looks like the Democratic Party operatives are circling above.
Hardly. I'm a Democrat, and a quite liberal one at that. However, I have no official ties to the party. I support them a majority of the time, but that's about it.
So you are a volunteer for the Democrats?
I am voting for Obama, he was given the country in a horrible state and has the experience to lead us out of this mess. He has made mistakes but his heart is in the right place. Hopefully in 2012 we will have a Congress that is more willing to compromise. A second term President can also devote his entire time to getting through his agenda without having to worry about getting re-elected.
Obama sucks
You have the right to your opinion
Agreed, but I support your right to vote for him or whoever the hell you want, as long as you fucking vote!
it is the duty of every American to vote for who they think will do the job best, Vote for who you think will effect the best change in the country.
It is NOT the duty of every American to vote for the lesser of two evils that both work for the 1%. Not any more ... Think shit is about to change my friend
never said who you voe for has to be from the two main parties :D
But that is how the system is setup right now ... This is what people, Democrats and Republican tell me. If you don't vote for Obama ... McCain will win or visa versa. If you vote green you are throwing away your vote and Mccain will win. The system is rigid. Why do i not see the green party or the libertarian party or the constitution party or any of the other parties ? Why are we stuck with two groups that both act against the interest of the people they are supposed to server.
Because the 2 big parties are so afraid that once the public finds out that a 3rd party can win those 2 main parties will never see power again, so they tell you lies like "If you don't vote for Obama ... McCain will win or visa versa. If you vote green you are throwing away your vote and Mccain will win".
Well if enough people said screw your 2 corrupt parties and voted for a 3rd then the "other guy" wouldn't get in to office the 3rd party would.
Part of this fear of a 3rd party winning has the media (who has an agenda each station leans to the Democants or Republacants) blacking out all 3rd parties saying things like "they are not a serious candidate with no option of winning".
You see to get coverage as a 3rd party you need to have the public opinion poles showing you above a arbitrary percent. You can not get above that percent with out media coverage. the major debates require you to be at a higher arbitrary percent to be invited. and so 3rd parties get locked out.
In some states (like Illinois where I live) a 3rd party is required to get more signatures then the 2 big parties have to get, to get a candidate on any ballot. Again 3rd parties get locked out.
The system is stacked in the 2 big parties favor, because they have had the control and they have made the rules on what you must do to play the game.
They have the most money in their "war chests" they can run 10 adds for every 1 add a 3rd party can run.
But with the power of this movement we can nullify all that is stacked in their favor, we can change the laws that block out 3rd parties, we can get them press coverage out side the media, our protest can reach more people then they can running adds, we can bring down the 2 big parties.
The 2 big parties work for the 1% .... i agree
The people running are a part of the problem we are trying to bring attention to.