Forum Post: Implement Behaviour League Table with possible consequences to create accountability
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 9:08 a.m. EST by tryhd
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I note you seem to be part of a necessary global campaign and I am very much in agreement that some actions are required to get the world moving along better. I confess I am not well versed in all your proposed solutions but I’d like you to consider, if you haven’t already, implementing the following 4 step plan.
1 Establish some guidelines on what you as a group expect of financial leaders and their companies– these might be remuneration limits, consumption limits, fees, service levels, involvement in community and charity, limits on political contributions, or whatever you can reasonably identify whether they are doing or not.
2 Assess the extent to which they are complying with 1 – a published league table of some sort might be quite fun and provide some visibility of performance, albeit weightings on different factors could be up for debate. We do need to be careful they still have an incentive to get out of bed in the morning and recognise these are very capable people but it should still be possible to come up with something and this should also provide visibility of which companies appear to be failing the good corporate citizenship test.
3 There are likely to be many advances in healthcare which take place over the coming 25 years. While we don’t know what these are and we don’t know how much they will cost it seems reasonable to explain that you plan to start discussions and consultations on the appropriate eligibility criteria that should be applied in determining who gets access to these advances. I’m not in any way suggesting removing entitlement to existing healthcare methods.
4 It may become part of established policy, as in a democracy the rules are set by the people, that the assessment carried out in step 2 becomes at least one of the factors used in that assessment of eligibility. Obviously we don’t know what will be possible in the future, but I think if they are made aware up front that this may be a factor then that is quite fair and reasonable. They have agreed to be leaders of major organisations and being held accountable for their actions seems entirely reasonable to me. Since many of these people have more money than they could possibly need shifting the discussion to at least the possibility of their actions impacting how long they have to spend it seems worth investigating.
I’m also interested in considering more general discussions on moving healthcare entitlement onto a broader footing to provide an incentive for all to co-operate and work together for a better world – however I don’t want to impinge on people’s privacy – it just seems that someone who has worked diligently at some task that many consider menial for 40 years and now needs help maybe has greater entitlement than a layabout with a history of petty crime and I’m not sure that is fully recognised in present systems.