Forum Post: Immigrants and Immigration laws
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 15, 2011, 12:23 a.m. EST by kingscrossection
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hate to steal it from anyone but discuss.
Consider. Everyone here except for the native Americans, come from immigrants/immigration. What else is the USA?
Nobody here is actually original.
Well native Americans are about as close to original as you can get, here in the Americas. I mean if you want to go far enough back in time, everyone is an immigrant from the oceans if you want to go with the evolution theory or everyone is an immigrant from the garden of Eden if you choose to go with the bible.
Either way we are all immigrants.
Learn the definition of "immigrant."
People born in the United States, are a native Americans. All races and cultures on this continent can trace their ancestry to another continent.
Yes but what about them stealing jobs? I hate to take someone else's argument but it is a valid point.
Everyone needs to be able to support them-self and their family. If a job is available it should be available to anyone. Many say that illegal immigrants are stealing jobs, but many of those jobs you can't get native Americans ( legal immigrants ) to take. To stop immigration you need to make the country's that they are leaving more livable for them.
I'm sorry but its not my taxes or future taxes place to pay for another country to be better.
I'm sorry you feel that way. We already spend multi billions in what "they" call foreign aid, yearly. Unfortunately like a lot of what the Government does it is not done very well or very productively. Much of the money given has gone into someones pocket rather than into the communities that it was supposed to help. I would prefer to see that money spent here at home purchasing goods and services from American business to be shipped to countries in need. But not purchased at profiteering prices like so much that the Government has paid for in the past, but at the same prices that any consumer would be charged. This would support America while improving the lives of others. I don't know how familiar you are with the Golden Rule, but perhaps it's something you should think about.
Compassion towards human beings is not a short coming. It never is but outside of my group with few exceptions(and in this time of my life) I don't have a need or a desire to love anyone else.
You are young. You have many years ahead of you to consider what you just said and to consider that that was not what you really meant. I've had many more years than you to consider these things, And you are in a time of life that is very confusing. You will realize this and other things as you get older.
Don't say that. I am young. However, I am not confused as to what I said and I have had years to consider what I just said.
Trust me in that you have many discoveries ahead of you. Discoveries of self and of the world around you. It is good that you defend your beliefs, I hope you never stop.
Oh I believe you when it comes to more discoveries but people in general don't deserve compassion. 20 years ago, no one would have considered stealing a spot at a gas station if one person was a tad too slow to react. People are inconsiderate and you want me to love them?
I want you to consider. What makes people act like that? Are they bad people or are they having a bad day, or do they treat their family like that? Or do they act that way because they have not taken the time to consider or is it that they are sociopathic and just don't care, that they feel there is only action or inaction. The main thing is to try and not be callus. There are good things that will happen in your life and there will also be bad experiences as well. There will be good people in your life and then there will be others perhaps not so good, hopefully never any who are actively evil. There have always been good people and there have always been bad people, since the beginning of time. Where do you want to fit in is what is important.
Now the Golden rule advocates that you be nice to others despite what they do to you. Not the universal do unto others as you would have others do unto you. That doesn't quite seem fair to me. Also, I don't like handouts and don't expect them.
How about love others "as well" as you love yourself?
I'm never entirely sure what people mean when they say love yourself. It seems incredibly self centered.
What it means is to take care of yourself. To believe that you are worth caring for. How can you love someone else if you don't love yourself?
I take care of my needs and then some. Pursuit of happiness and all. I believe that I if I cannot care for myself then nobody else deserves to or should take care of me.
OK. That's a step in the direction of understanding love for ones self. I think. Now try to extend loving and caring for self into loving and caring for other.
I love my friends. And to be honest it doesn't extend to anyone outside that.
Just consider how you treat your friends, then consider how you want them to treat you or how they do treat you rather than how you would want them to if there is a difference. You can rely on the fact that everyone in this world has feelings like yours, they have dreams like yours. That they want good things in their life in their families life and in their friends life, just like you want. Understanding that others have many things in common with you begins the life long process of learning to understand of learning how to relate.
Your right it should be available to anyone in there own country. And why is it our responsibility to make there country better. You all scream that you don't want the US to be the world police but yet want us to bail all the other countries out? What sense does that make?
Being a good neighbor, would you help your neighbor get their car out of a ditch or help them get their family out of a burning house?
That's a really sorry comparison. The guilt trip method went out along time ago. There is a universe of difference between helping your residential neighbor get his/her car out of a ditch or help there family out in any situation, and unfucking an entire country that can't even begin to help itself. Try again with something that actually makes sence.
This is a small world, getting smaller by the day. What we do as a people affects what happens to other people. For example we could teach China how to use green technology to replace their coal burning ( not that we currently would as we don't implement much of it here ) not just for the sake of their peoples health but for ours as well, because that pollution does not remain in China but goes round the world with the jet stream. Its not just carbon pollution but mercury & arsenic as well. We have neighbors in this world that we affect and that affect us. Should we be good neighbors or bad?
Green technology to date has proven to be an over costly failure that is why it is not used on a large scale. Wind mills have all but faded as the cost to operate them far out reaches the amount of energy they produce, Solar energy although sufficient for a single house does not meet the cost to benifit ratio for an average sized town. It's not being used because it does nothing to reduce costs.
Well the Oil industry is certainly proud of you for buying their propaganda and supporting it. Any new technology or system starts out rough but improves with time and application, experience teaches.
It's not propaganda it's fact. Even "Green" Italy is tearing down the windmills because of the major financial disaster it has been for them. Starts out rough? These things have been in existance for decades and have been looked at and worked on by brilliant people to no avail. Experience also teaches that after 10 or 20 years of failure it is time to try something else.
I could so go on.
Italy definitely has there problems, and I don't know what to tell you about their wind power failure as I have not studied it. But wind turbines and solar cells are not he only green technology out there. Hydrogen as a fuel source for producing electricity as well as for powering cars, trucks etc and then there is Geo-thermal for heating and cooling as well as for generating power. Hydrogen and Geo-thermal technology implementation and development could change this whole screwed up world.
You have no choice but to wait, in the mean time how about the government actually doing what it can to get APEC to stop arbitrarily raising the price of oil because they want to. Like a county, things can be done to get them to stablize the price our government just chooses not to do it mostly because both parties are in bed with them.
I think that our efforts in that direction would be better spent starting right here at home with regulating oil futures trading. Look at the last ten years, while the gas prices were soaring and the average American was struggling to buy gas for their car and family's were struggling to heat their homes. were the Oil Processors hurting to stay in business or were they making obscene record breaking profits?
You are correct that there are alot of things out there the problem is, none of them have proven cost effective and in most cases would cost more to move to. Eventually, something will at least level the playing field with big oil but until then there are alot of other things our government could be doing in regards to APEC that they are currently not to make the situation better.
How is something going to level the playing field with oil if it is never implemented and developed/improved. There are very Few ( any? ) things that appear full grown and fully developed. A process must start before it can go anywhere. As far as cost goes, the longer you put something off the more it is going to cost to start and complete. So what? Should we start now or wait a couple more decades.
some of us are legal immigrants who didn't take advantage of government programs, not like anchor babies and most current illegals.
Choosing between life & death, between eating and starving, between being healthy or not, between having housing or not, to being terrorized or not, to being oppressed or not. Hmmm. So many wonderful choices. What would you be capable of doing or tempted to do if you found yourself on the short end of the stick.
Mr KDatoday, i'm not saying that illegals aren't making the right economic decision for themselves in coming here. But i don't want to pay for supporting them. Let's take care of our own first.
That is why we are here. To take care of our own. Some peoples definition is broader than others or less exclusive. The immigration issue is being used as a distraction by those in power to sow confusion & dissent among the 99% to try to break down any cohesion we may form in acting together to take back our voice in government.
You & everyone else should check out this Post : If you do nothing else watch this and then circulate it. Emerging Police State? ( see below )
I was born here. I am a native American. If you were born here so are you. We are both original Americans.
People from the Philippines, India, and Yemen come in on green cards all day long. They also collect ss even though they never worked a day in their lives. Mexicans come in on b1/b2 visas to illegally work. Indians also come here on h1b visas to work and breed and get their greencards through their children or work. How's that for orginal?
Its a loophole that needs to be fixed
The Native American was an immigrant, too. And their origins are questionable.
Asia. They are distant relatives to present day Asians. Eskimos in northern Alaska are a product of the same human migration from Asia. They were not the fist human civilizations on the continent.
Actually no they weren't... there are much older finds and it appears they were of European descent.
Those finds were for people who inhabited the continent before the ice bridge. The native American Indians originated in Asia. Like I said: they were not the first people to occupy the continent.
Well... two things: One, I think the term "indigenous" is a rather vaguely defined term; I'm not certain that it occupies any meaningful position in our definition of "native." Secondly, there is one very interesting aspect of all of this pre-Clovis investigation... and that is that if a serious student of colonial history seeks to address the question of Colonial Native confrontation, he must address two rather specific questions: One, causation on the level of incompatibility (and no, "property," does NOT suffice here or even remotely satisfy).... and two, justification... how does a supposedly religious people possessed of a vision and a determination to emulate what they perceived to be a virtually incorruptible behavioral humanity, on the level of an "Imitatio Christi," justify... and one of the things we discover is that the European colonial firmly believed that the Native was NOT indigenous; they state this repeatedly. And why did they arrive at such a conclusion? Well... they said the Natives were possessed of too many European features. How is this possible? And the one thing we ourselves can add to this discussion is that fully possessed of a knowledge of human fallibility, the possibility of false perception, etc, with a desire to overcome, they generally measured their recorded words and spoke truthfully. I find this a most interesting statement. I have never fully bought All of the continental shelf theory...
they came through 65.771236, -169.101562 when it was cold period a long time ago
Haha... linguistically that is utterly impossible. And if our various disciplines do not agree then they are false. This is true of all science.
type in google images: Kamchatka people
Wow, cool. I hear ya... it's just that I believe we're talking more than one migration here.
the so called native american did not originate in America, They came here from asia over the then existing land bridge.
Scroll down a bit and continue reading. I answered the same point earlier.
So called "native Americans" are immigrants too.
See point I made earlier, below your current comment.
You answered your own question.
No I answered the same point you were making that someone else made Earlier. Scroll down a bit and continue reading.
One of the funniest and most incorrect statements commonly made by proponents of open borders.
"we are a nation of immigrants."
Yes. Agreed
Most South and Central Americans would stay at home with their families and friends if US corporations were not in control of their economies. They cannot live on the money they are paid, and our corporations are the reason for it. The same corporations that are trying to enslave us have already enslaved them. They are escaping from slavery and any real American should help them.
Because its inhumane right?
Exactly, we should help the South and Central Americans in our country just like the underground railroad helped the black escaped slaves 130 years ago. The Spanish speaking brown skinned people of the western hemisphere are the descendants of the Native Americans. They were forced to speak Spanish and practice Catholicism.
I've said it before but if we are both human and are able to form our own thoughts and protest for ourselves why can't the mexicans do it to change their country. Why do they have to come here?
All nations but three (Iran, Cuba, and North Korea) borrow their money into existence using the same international banking cartel. Afghanistan and Iraq used to have non cartel banks, but we fixed that didn't we? All nations money are a brand names of the same banks notes. International borders are meaningless to corporations that want to move to a cheaper labor source. The border is now in reality just a way to divide labor and prevent the free movement of people. If you believe the fence at our border is ONLY to keep people out, try climbing it to go to Mexico or Canada and see what the US Border Patrol does?
They can still do the same thing as OWS can't they?
Streamline the work visa process to document immigrant workers and put a stipulation in there that they cannot create anchor babies. After that, let's get to work and make great things.
If they are going to work in America for more than 3 years I think they should have to become citizens.
democrats like immigrants
I don't like immigrants. I tolerate them if they are here legally and if they aren't they should be ejected, forcefully if needed.
[-] kickthemout 1 points 4 minutes ago
Consider. Everyone here except for the native Americans, come from immigrants/immigration. What else is the USA?
Not exactly. The only people allowed as "immigrants" have been from Europe and no place else up to just a few years ago. In fact this was a White Country until Whites decided to open up the third world flood which BTW has just about destroyed our civilization. I would not call these European "immigrants" ,I call them builders of this country. I understand that we have native Americans here, within the territory of the United States,and as far as I know we're on good terms with them and actually they have made it known that they don't want this country to be invaded by non-Whites. Bottom line we live in a Country built by Whites and all the institutions,morals behavior is from Europe. This is why we're prosperous and civilized. Our culture and way of life it's totally European based. People who come here today are coming here because of Whites' generosity and not because they have a "right" to be here. Not at all, they only have a right to be within their own people and their own cultures. We have no responsibilities toward them. Let's be clear about it. I disagree with some members of this movement on their position on "immigrants". I don't want any more third world invaders here. They are downgrading us and by their massive presence they're threatening our continuous existence. I never heard one of them,just one, saying "thank you Americans" or "thank you Whites" for having allowed me to come here. Never! They all say that we're Devils. I don't want them here. We Whites have become GYPSIES in our own Country.
Seriously, maybe those opened flood gates will flood in the light of reinvention while washing the soul of discontent.
Consider. Everyone here except for the native Americans, come from immigrants/immigration. What else is the USA?
Not exactly. The only people allowed as "immigrants" have been from Europe and no place else up to just a few years ago. In fact this was a White Country until Whites decided to open up the third world flood which BTW has just about destroyed our civilization. I would not call these European "immigrants" ,I call them builders of this country. I understand that we have native Americans and as far as I know we're on good terms with them and actually they have made it known that they don't want this country to be invaded by non-Whites . Bottom line we live in a Country built by Whites and all the institutions,morals behavior is from Europe. This is why we're prosperous and civilized. Our culture and way of life it's totally European based. People who come here today are coming here because of Whites' generosity and not because they have a "right" to be here. Not at all, they only have a right to be within their own people and their own cultures. We have no responsibilities toward them. Let's be clear about it. I disagree with some members of this movement on their position on "immigrants". I don't want any more third world invaders here. They are downgrading us and by their massive presence they're threatening our continuous existence. I never heard one of them,just one, saying "thank you Americans" or "thank you Whites" for having allowed me to come here. Never! They all say that we're Devils. I don't want them here. We Whites have become GYPSIES in our own Country.
I agree with this.
Such a tough subject to discuss. It is difficult because you can't help but feel sorry for the majority of illegals who flood in this country for legit life and death reasons such as providing for there families because they can't in there homeland. Having said that, I only feel that way for the ones who actually come here to do legitemate work and not crime. I also lose a little sympathy for them because I believe they should enter our country legally. The last count I heard was 11 Million illegal immigrants are now in the country. I am sure that the number is more as there is really no way to count it (they are here illegaly and im sure didn't come to the US check in desk at the boarder to be counted). Before we get into immigration laws, we first must tackle the main cause which is securing the boarders.
The borders should be secured. I'm not entirely sure how to do that. Humane would be preferable but other ideas may work more efficiently. I have no problems with immigrants coming through and legally becoming citizens or getting some form of work visa. These are doing it fairly. Also another pet peeve is that the ballots in Arizona are printed in Spanish as well as English.
I have a serious problem with ballots being printed in any other language than English. That is a huge problem. How can we expect to talk about illegal immigrants while at the same time be an enableing factor for them to remain.
That was my point. The language in America is English. I'm not even entirely sure it should be called English anymore because the languages are diverging. However, one of the requirements to become a citizen should be something along the lines of having to pass a basic literacy test. What do you think?
Most Americans such as yourself couldn't pass a basic literacy test for the English language.
And how do you know anything about me?
I read what you guys write.
You are generalizing me with other people while not knowing anything about me.
I am generalizing to a certain extent. I do know how you write and how you respond.
How do I write?
Using a keyboard.
Well way to go smart ass.
If i'm not mistaken, that is suppose to be a requirement. I have never personally been to one of those classes but always assumed that it was.
I don't think so but neither have I. However, it does not really make as much sense if they can pass the test but can't read off of a ballot.
Well, that sounds like more of an ACLU push to get more people out to vote and vote correctly (as they view it to be correct).
American Civil Liberties Union. They often do things particularly when it comes to elections that make it easier for usually uninformed and uneducated people that they can persuade to vote on the side they have chosen.
Ok well it seems to me that that happens a lot.
I agree you can't handle the immigrants until you handle the borders. I used to feel sorry for the illegal immigrants but not anymore. I grew up on the border and I saw how the illegal immigrants' attitudes changed from "looking for a life in america" to "looking to take advantage of entitlement and other stupid programs in america" unfortunately the immigrants do not come over here with the right attitude anymore.
Fight poverty, Occupy the Border. The moonbats smear anyone in favor of border enforcement as racist, yet then bitch about poverty and income skew. Guess what? The 6th grade drop outs crossing our border and fanning out across the country are forming a new servant class. See, 6th grade drop outs aren't doing brain surgery 10 years from now, they're still cleaning toilets, but now with 4 poor kids besides. All pretty obvious stuff.
So, are you against poverty? Then have the brains to support enforcing our immigration laws.
Yes I am against poverty and I do to the best of my ability.
why do we protect illegals with our laws? they are not our citizens. why can they go to our schools? get social security? have a fair trial? they are not Americans like their children. we waste so much time trying to treat them like Americans when the first thing they did when they got here was break the law by coming here. why do we spent jail budgets on them? i think it would be a good idea for national id cards. we already have the system, look at social security numbers. you can't do anything without that little bugger. secure the border, 2 warning shots then shoot to kill. the OWS people who claim to not be able to get work while 11 million illegals get them pretty easily. fair? i think not. send them packing.
Agreed to an extent. What about illegals that have been here for 20 to 30 years? I'm saying we let them say indefinitely but maybe they would be given a certain amount of time to actually become citizens.
it just means that they are crafty. i fully support immigrants who are here legally. i would even help them get here but if you are here illegally then sorry.i don't care how long they have been here. arrest them and send them back. secure the borders!
I fully support them as well but I was wondering when humanity comes in if at all because I can go either way with the right argument.
Why do you care if illegal immigrants that have been in America for 20 years become official citizens. Is it because you are concerned with the fact that as illegal immigrants they cannot vote?
I don't really care how they vote or why. However, even I believe in a little bit of fairness in the world.
You know if a piece of paper differentiates me from another human being, somehow makes me "better" I don't want that piece of paper.
The "immigration" Issue came up as a stent a political Agenda for Arizona's governor to gain her "Vote". It produced open racism, it produced hate, it produced racial profiling among other things.
I'm half white, half mexican I look pure bred white... since this happened. I have heard more racist remarks, derogatory comments, I have seen things I didn't think people here were capable of.
I'm American, but those people are human beings, most of those if you don't "read" the news.
They face drug cartels, turf wars, rapes, executions, a sum of 30 odd bodies were dumped in broad daylight on a main vain of traffic. Do you honestly think they don't run for the borders for more than just that?
I'm ashamed of America I can no longer proudly say I am an American... its a curse and you know what were about two steps from becoming a communist country anyways.
What with Obama okaying - Immediate Detention of American Citizens - The internet Censor bill that may be passed - the greed that's left a lot of youth with luckless or hopeless futures.
Nothing in this country is viable or worth a damn... 1 out of every 2 Americans is now poor or unemployed that's 50% and one more thing... I've went to school with illegals, ive spent time at their families homes... They are the most humble people I have ever had the opportunity to spend time with, more grateful for what they have in life versus your average spoiled American who thinks its their birthright to have it all.
I'm tired of hearing the words "illegal" or dehumanizing slanders towards individuals just because of their heritage, nationality, etc. Its time people grew up and realized were all just human individuals we all have the same parts
Racial profiling works. As bad as that sounds. If you are so damn ashamed then get the FUCK out. Also, if you can organize your little protests, why can't they? They are human and they are fully capable of forming thoughts so why can't they change their own country. Why do they have to come here?
So your saying these people can face the cut throat Cartels... with militarized weapons and win?
Your saying that these drug lords are going to listen to the wishes of these people?
You honestly think that a government who cant even win the war against these cartels has a choice?
Man trust me id rather get the fuck out of this country than listen to ignorance like yours
Would you stand up to a criminals to cut throats with guns pointed at you and scream you want fairness?
Would you really in your mind think those triggers wont get pulled?
Do you honestly believe that your safety would be ensured that your "life" would be spared!
You think its that easy go protest down there go to the cartels... because guess what, the one good thing those cartels would do is show you the truth... At least you'll realize their reasons instead of feeding to the hate that the main stream media has bred
Other people have been shot defending their beliefs. It is their country and they can do they same thing where they are.
As true as that is... to state a document makes me and you better than any other human being is wrong in its own.
Were all human reguardless and inequality still rears its ugly head. While everyone focused on the Illegals and the perpetuated propaganda by government.
The government was making other news / decisions in other words this "illegals" situation. Was more or less a way to turn our attention from one place to another.
We cant blame illegals for our problems - read the news did you know that on this war that just ended we were spending 1 million per day.
1 million dollars per day on that war!... I can't for the life of me blame anybody but the government for our debts. Thats what fired up this whole issue on illegals in the first place.
Your jobless - the governments debt all "stemmed" from illegal immigrents. What a load of crock
Side note because most illegals are considered hispanic - a demographic stated that hispanics have a 8.7 billon dollar spending power. Shouldnt that have created some jobs within corporations?
Yes and where does it say in the Constitution to provide for the welfare of other nations citizens?
The word "illegal" has nothing to do with heritage or nationality. It has everything to do with breaking the law.
Illegal brother were all illegal, we came and enslaved the americans, we killed them, slaughtered them, raped their women etc
We Americans have always been the foreigners, we came, we conquered and we claimed it as our own.
Those laws if used in that context should only protect the native Americans.
Sorry to break it to you, but American history was brutal. Blacks weren't even considered citizens at one point!
What we once thought was wrong back then became right later as they gained their citizenships, freedoms etc.
What makes you say this is any different, if i lived cross the border id definitly swim through treachurous waters, walk through sweltering deserts, risk my life to get away from the cartels the killings etc
At the time you're talking about there was no Unted States of America. No sovereign country. The indians had no problem attacking and murdering members of other tirbes. They took prisioners and made them slaves. Scalping was done by the indians as was torture. The classification of blacks was done to get the Southern states to recognize them as rightful citizens. Not all black were slaves. The indians, "native americans", were not native to to north america. They came here from Asia over the then existing land bridge. This is a country of laws. Coming here illegally to live is still illegal.
very easy: kick ILLegal immigrants out NOW. There is ALREADY a process to legally live and work in America. Nothing needs to change, other than the what 7 million illegal immigrants sucking our country dry?
There really are more problems than this but it is a problem. How exactly do you propose to do this?
I think about this all the time, and I do not see an easy solution. You have to start somewhere though. Even though I think these illegal aliens should be removed ASAP, they are still human and should still be treated respectfully and humanely. That makes rounding up millions of people and booting them out very difficult.
Agreed. What if we limited the timeframe from everyone to people who have lived in the United States for 20 or 30 years. At which point, in order to stay they have a certain amount of time that they have to actually become a citizen.
Well we can warn the to become legal and get a visa, wait a 6 months to a year, then remove those that didn't do it. That way we wouldn't have to kick them all out and wait for them to come back. we simply kick out the ones who refuse to follow our laws.
Being a legal immigrant in the USA is only slightly easier than being an African American in a voting booth pre-civil rights movement.
If our country wants to say that illegal immigrants should go through the legalization process, they should make the process worth going through. I have several foreign friends and acquaintances. One of them is married to a born American citizen, and she STILL can't get her legal citizen status.
Not saying that we should just let any one who applies be a citizen, but at the same time, our legalization process could definitely use an overhaul. Either that, or give all of the applicants in your ideal a significantly longer grace period than 6-12 months.
I don't think they should be "citizens". There is a difference between having a legal right to be in America, not necessary a legal citizen. Hence green card, or visa, or whatever. I don't think any of them should be given American citizenship, except maybe through a military service option and a few other service ways.
Why is that?
My friend has been a productive member of society in America for years, regardless of having no citizen status. She speaks English better than many Americans I know, she sells enough Mary Kay to make a living, she has her Master's degree from the Seminary that I attend, and she helps people who need it.
A productive member of American society, now married to an American man and is never going to leave the country, you say, not only doesn't deserve to be an American citizen? She's allowed to be a benefit to our economy, but that's it?
Yep, that's pretty much it. An easy path to citizenship just wouldn't work in America. We would be overrun in my opinion.
What a ridiculous and shortsighted idea.
What do you suggest?