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Forum Post: Immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 8:22 a.m. EST by PoliticallyIncorrectBenjamin (50)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Last night while reading the Pakistanii site dawn.com I learned that China was just awarded oil rights to Afghanistan, copper mining rights, and some gold rights. Our soldiers are dying from Chinese made weapons sold to Pakistan and then given to the Taliban and they get all the rights to peruse mineral rights in that country. To make matters even more horrific China threatened the United State that an attack on Pakistan is an attack on Bejing. So let me get this right, we lost all our men, spend hundreds of billions of dollars, and Obama let's all our ability to earn some of that money back go to the Chinese whom is arming our enemy.

This administration is the worst foreign policy disaster this country has ever seen. I do believe that now China has an interest in the region they need to be the ones protecting their mineral rights, workers, and profits, NOT THE US. This should signal an immediate and abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan. China has an army much larger than our and they have a lot more money, not to mention they are now going to be making money there.

This is a Butt Fuck



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[-] 1 points by PoliticallyIncorrectBenjamin (50) 13 years ago

Where is the outcry to bring our troops home from Americas longest and most costly war? Why is this being ignored? Many of this movement are too young to remember the fallmofnthe soviet union and don't realize it was their war in Afghanistan that bankrupted their country, it is doin the same to us and now China is going to take the spoils of war. This is the most offensive foreign policy action/inaction I have seen in my long life and I am old enough to be most of your parents.

[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

If that's the case then by all means let China deal with the Afghans; I hope it goes as well for them as it did for the Soviet Union.