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Forum Post: Imagine a world without Wall Street.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 10:18 p.m. EST by CJY (26)
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Want a loan to pay for college? Ask your parents. You think the US Government will give you financial aid? Think again. Our federal government issues bonds to raise money to lend to students looking for loans. Guess where they get the money. Yes, Wall Street. You want to buy a car, or a house? Nope. Hope you saved enough because banks are evil and they are not going to lend you money. Are you a teacher, fire figther, or any public employee? I hope you are okay working an entire year and getting paid only in May or June because that's when the majority of tax revenues are received. So how do you get paid every month of the year? Well, States and other public agencies sell bonds to borrow money in order to mitigate the mismatch of when revenues come in and when ppl receive their salary. Where do they borrow that money? Yes, from Wall Street. Boycott all public traded companies...including Apple. You don't want to be a hypocrite, right? Afterall, Wall Street took these companies public. Yes, the government doesn't need Wall Street. It can just print money. Sure, the dollar will be worth less than it is worth today, and everything we buy from other countries will be much more expensive. Yes, that trip to Europe will cost much more. Oh yeah...did I forget to mention the fact that printing money will cause hyperinflation? That means that gallon of milk that you drink every morning is going to cost you $20 gallon. Oh...and social security will be worthless and so will all the retirement accounts our there. Your parents and you will be working until you die. Oh yeah, I forget. There will be no jobs in the US because all the companies will go bankrupt but that's okay because the government can just print on more money. Wall Street doesn't sound so bad afterall.. Educate yourself!



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[-] 1 points by CJY (26) 13 years ago

What no comment? That's what I thought. Wall Street does more good than people give credit for. The reality is, we would be at such a disadvantage if it weren't for Wall Street. YEs, it is not perfect but what is? Washington? Nah..