Forum Post: I'm trying not to bash you guys, so, constructive criticim here.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 11:04 p.m. EST by TeaPartyTexan
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I was a founding member of the Dallas Tea Party 4 years ago. I've also been politically active dating back to 1985 working on many issues... The most notable (and the one that is attached to my point) is that I walked for over a month with Granny D. ( So, let me give you some constructive criticism... I personally feel that your massage is garbled and that you have a convenient and mailable set of morals based on the idea that the other wide is the 'enemy'. The communist rhetoric is not what 99% of the American people support nor do the majority find your actions to be in any way positive. The one issue that I hear you all graze past and peck around that I know the majority would agree with is Campaign Finance Reform. I need to point out that the Wall Street 'big wigs' will roboticly walk into any loophole they find to get advantage in the law... this will not change. But you are not protesting the ones who made the loophole for their advantage... congress. Congress over the years (both parties) have been making the new laws longer, more complex and incoherent to loophole their pocketbooks off of business (large and small), people and NPOs alike. Then for political gain they pit us all against any shadow we will fight. Granny D told me personally years ago 'not even a cup of coffee should be allowed. Congress members should be treated in the law like monks who are not allowed to trade stocks, by or sell property, publish books or make any financial deal for more than the average wage until 5 years after they leave office. Until you do that, we are doomed'..... so, you want a solid issue that will not make people like me start buying more ammo? there it is... I argue that the rich, poor and middle class have been all taken for a ride by the people who corrupt our laws every day.
Thanks for being respectful in your post even though you disagree with a lot of OWS. I can respect your respect, sir and I also agree with a lot of what you said.
Here are a few things from a centrist to think about.
I am not anti-corporation and anti-banks. I am against corporations that abuse their power and are infiltrating our government. I am against the abuse of the monetary system that the federal reserve is responsible for. We have a debt based privatized monetary system that is not in the constitution, refer to Section 1 Article 8 of the constitution. The abuse of Wall Street, the federal reserve, and the government has caused our US dollar to decrease in value drastically over the past 14 years.
Some thoughts
Propose a bill to end the patriot act.
Propose a bill to end massive contributions from lobbyists, unions, and corporate influences. The "supreme" court ruled McCain-Feingold unconstitutional. Obviously the supreme court is corrupt. They claimed that "McCain-Feingold" denied "free speech" even though 1: Money isn't free and 2: 100% of US citizens still would have had freedom of speech and the ability to contribute to campaigns. So how was the supreme court able to say it suppresses free speech? Another fact, a lot of corporations are owned through many investors. Sometimes these investors are foreigners. I didn't know foreigners in other countries were allowed to participate in our government. The government is supposed to be governed by it's people. I feel like most members of the government have never read the constitution.
I'd say propose a bill to nationalize the federal reserve but that bill has already been created and is being reviewed by the Financial Institutions and Credit Committee. Look up The National Emergency Employment Defense Act of 2011.
All these rich people keep telling us that our country is in massive debt... all the while they keep making more money. These rich people are members of congress and the president.
"Both parties are rotten - how could they not be, given the complete infestation of the political system by corporate money on a scale that now requires a presidential candidate to raise upwards of a billion dollars to be competitive in the general election?"
THE WAR IN IRAQ IS BASED ON LIES from Bush to Obama it's still the same war monger.
Also the Libyan rebels that the Obama Administration and NATO supported are actually terrorists and have members of Al Qaeda... and the Al Qaeda flag has been seen flying over the courthouse in Benghazi Libya.
This was known before the support of the rebels
This is known now
Great! We agree on perhaps the most important thing-- get the "legalized bribery" out of our Democracy! I am confident that all OWS folks agree with this, so if that message is being lost and OWS is being painted as communists... well, don't believe the hype!
I really wish OWS would do a better job reaching out to the Tea Party folks so thank you for engaging this discussion. We may be different on lots of social stuff, but if we could get our democracy back from the lobbyists we could work all that stuff out.
I just want to add, that though I am Very far left (legalize marijuana, support gay marriage, want strong environmental regulations, think we should be LESS "tough" on non-violent crime, don't believe in going to war or even maintaining a big military, etc.) I fully support the 2nd Amendment. Your comment about "buying more ammo" made me laugh but also reminded me that, yup... that's why we have this as #2 on our list! Free speech and the right to protest, and if that don't work... bah... lock & load. (Though I would not do this because, like I said, I'm too much of a "pansy" Lefty!).
Thanks again. Stay engaged.
I love a good garbeled massage from the chicks down town.
What do you think of concentrated corporate power?
I want you to go to this post. I want you to speak truth to power!. Say it once, say it twice. Say it loud. Say it proud. I'm down with the KTC. The Revolution starts here!
The Revolution starts here! No one can silence the Revolution!
I agree with granny D. Elected officials are public servants and they should be treated like servants. restricted on what they can and can't do, all based on what we say. not them.
Who says we're not protesting Congress? Last I heard, they're all a part of the same machine who have been riding the entire planet. We're not here to make one simple goal and call it a good day. We're here to take down the entire system that is threatening all life on this planet.
"We're here to take down the entire system that is threatening all life on this planet."
more like something that doesn't end in "ism"...