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Forum Post: im tired of the bullshit.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 6:49 a.m. EST by asmith8814 (9)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We need to fix these issues obama and bush have created.


    Oh no our children will have pouted air to deal with when the grow up our f*king children aren't going yo grow up if the don't eat. What if they can't get a job? What if i can't get a job. My mother is in the medical field and can't find a job right now.


Drilling our OIL will create more jobs then we know what to do with. It will also lower fuel prices which will help stimulate the economy. Every 500,000 barrels of oil the us produces per day slashes 11.8 billion dollars off of the trade deficit that money going back into the us economy not some palace for a Saudi prince.


marijuana has JUST been stated to be the largest cash crop in the united states beating out corn and wheat. The government does not see a dime of that money. The average tax on a pack of cigarettes is over $1.50 a pack. in 2007 17.4 billion packs of cigarettes were sold in the us. At 1 dollar tax per pack of buds. 17 billion dollars. Stimulating enough?

REINTRODUCE REAGANOMICS. Ronald Regan got us out of the last depression so you would think the government would model there plans after his but no.

GET OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS HOME. Take them from all of the other countries around the world they don't appreciate us being there there not helping us. Put our soldiers on the borders to stop the illegal immigrants from coming into our country. And to those of you in government who read this stop tucking helping the illegals that are already here.

WE HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS AT HOME. We need to fix ourselves be fore we fix everyone else. So come home and lets take America back to where we belong.

Oil independent legalize weed (it dose'nt hurt anyone) Bring our soldiers home drill baby drill if your homeless you not going to pay for someone else's apartment b4 u get obey your self.



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[-] 2 points by asmith8814 (9) 13 years ago

We also need obama out of office.

[-] 1 points by asmith8814 (9) 13 years ago

I apologize for the cursing

[-] 0 points by Space (79) 13 years ago

Agree w everything but the Reaganomics BS. Trickle down my ass, more like pass the debt down to the next generation. The restriction on business comment does not agree w me either.

[-] 1 points by asmith8814 (9) 13 years ago

And that's ok we don't all need to agree with another but we need to get something done. As for the restrictions on business if we don't remove them the business is going to go to China or another country that does not have those restrictions and in turn we will lose the jobs that go along with them. The taxes going to the government it all goes down hill from there. I didn't me completely remove the restrictions. We do however need to tone them down a bit. The business needs to be able to operate and make money to keep the jobs here.