Forum Post: I'm surprised more people are not outraged by the Citibank Arrests.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 1:45 p.m. EST by Chromer
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I really feel that this was over the top. I for one will start looking for a smaller local bank. Sure you don't want to collapse the banking system but putting the hammer down on Citibank I feel would surely get the message across that we are not going to take this crap any longer.
Did you see how they forced one of the protesters BACK into the bank after she had left? the forced her back into the bank!!!!!!! insanity.
I know. They had to go to all that trouble for that one girl. And as far as I can tell from the video there was no disturbance being created. They were just exercising their rights to close their accounts. I think Citibank should be hammered for this.
Yes. Have you been hearing anything on more demonstrations involving banks specifically? E.G....withdrawing monies, etc?
No I have not. But I would like to point out one small detail about this incident, which by the way I think in no way should excuse Citibank. My understanding is that when they entered the bank they were carrying signs. Then the bank asked them to leave.
Point is you can't give these people any excuses. If your going to close your account, just get up, have your morning coffee, walk into the bank and close it. Don't carry a big sign telling them what you are doing. I know this seems to take away from the point of the protest, but I believe that Citibank will get the message once they start loosing accounts all over the country.
Totally totally agree. People have to be smart, collected, and sensible about their movements. Carrying a sign into a bank is simply sensational, and was probably a group of people that wanted to get publicity. For better or worse, they got it. But, I think, as this movement becomes more cohesive and reflective, people will need to start making changes to the way they live (including where they put their money) in an effective way. I, for one, need to start doing some reading on farming..... I just have this erie feeling we are going to be going back to living off the land fairly soon. Hope I dont sound too much like a conspiracy theorist...but the way we are living, making political decisions, and protecting our American money is unsustainable.
I know. I'm not a conspiracy hound either, but I have four children to support, and I am getting a little nervous.
I think we have all seen the collapse coming for a long time. It will be okay, there a alot of us who have the skills necessary to help each other thrive. The kids will be fine..and learn to be happy playing with sticks and swimming in rivers instead of the newest techno gadget.
Keeping people like yourself and your children in my mind man. Its important that our children live in a world that values their safety, health, and welfare over the interest of a select few.
People should think twice as to where they put their money. Try a credit union or small community bank. Works for me!
All banks should be closed down..we only need credit unions and community banks.
Move your money out of Chase, Citibank, B of A. Most definitely. The sooner the better. Just be aware that your results may vary depending on how you do it. I walked into B of A by myself, with a copy of the statement for each account. I asked the teller to make a bank check payble to the name on the account for the full balance and I was out of there with no questions asked in 5 minutes. I don't do drama.
It's outrageous, that's why I don't put my money in banks, I go with credit unions.
We do not have the right to protest inside businesses- just outside. Inside is private property. That being said I completely agree with closing accounts at these big, moneysucking banks. I closed my account at BofA back in February because I dislike their tactics. Just keep in mind that carrying signs into banks or any other business is not going to be okay and there will be repercussions.
Find a good credit union. They are always better, because they are collectives. They are run for the benefit of members (anybody who deposits money there), not for the benefit of absentee shareholders or executives at the expense of depositors.
Banks now see it as "their money." Think they've forgotten who makes the deposits. (Oh wait, that would be the Fed who bails them out.)
I heard that the demonstrators that went into the bank were chanting and what-have-you and kind of freaking out the other customers. When they refused to pipe down after being requested to, the bank called 911. The demonstrators were charged with trespassing and 1 with resisting arrest.
If that was the case then why did they lock them inside the bank until the cops came to arrest them. Kinda makes it hard for them to leave the bank after being requested to.
I have no clue. But if they were locked in then how did two of the protestors leave?
I could be wrong, but I think the 2 that got out where the first two that went in and closed the bank account. There is a video of it on youtube.
But how did they get out if there was a lock down?
You know what I think is sort of messed up? I heard that non-protestors got swept up in the arrests. Can you imagine trying to explain that one to your significant other?
"Uh, honey, I'm going to be a little late tonight. I'm down at the police station. I got arrested when I went to the bank for BEING IN THE BANK."
How messed up is that?
If that's the case, then I unfortunately would have to agree with the bank. But, I still feel the banks need to have a clear message sent to them. And the only way to get anything out of this mess is to hit them where it hurts. Their reputation and their pocket books.
Citizens like police....for some fucked up reason..police don't give a shit about citizens..and people have the audacity to support criminal convictions...based upon police testimony! Wake..the..fuck..up!
This attack on the 99% at citi bank is unforgivable. the 99% must close there bank accountant's transfer funds to a CREDIT UNION stop these banks they are robbing you, they CONTROL you. Rise up stop watching the news and make a difference we must not be silent anymore! Stop corporate greed TAKE AMERICA BACK !