Forum Post: I'm running for the next federal election under a neo-Stalinist platform...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:27 a.m. EST by Dionysuslives
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My policies include:
1) Covert wiretaps and arbitrary arrests for political dissidents. 2) Mass graves for the wealthy. 3) A giant gold statue in my likeness where the Washington Monument currently stands.
I hope I can count on your vote.
P.s: Obedience = Redemption
You will get my vote. Of course you already knew that (or planned it)
Sweet! You can be my Minister of Propaganda.
covert wiretaps? you mean the patriot act? too late
I know. The irony is delicious, isn't it?
He'll get plenty of financing from the Rothschilds, CFR, Bilderberg, etc...
Good strategy...
Only until I seize office. Then it's off to the gulags with the lot o' them.