Forum Post: I'm really curious why we have collectively accepted usury...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 8:53 p.m. EST by zapschaft
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Money as an end in itself. Why do we participate in taking out a 30 year mortgage for a home we could build ourselves in the natural world(No gov, no social structure, etc.) in less than 3 years. Why have we accepted that it is the will of god that bankers using fractional reserve banking( Money they don't have), should be given divine right to print money from nothing, sit on their ass and collect interest, above cost, while the rest of society goes to hell? We knew this was wrong 500 years ago, while are we still participating in it?
Any explanation? This is absolutely fascinating.
I'm really curious to know how many people here think lending out money you don't have and charging interest, above operational costs, on that is doing work.
How many of you?
I like that you called it what it is- "Usury." They have what we used to rightfully call "unearned income." I haven't accepted it.