Forum Post: I'm offended by the "lazy, welfare leeching" facade that's being painted by some
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 9:42 a.m. EST by Alldeesx3
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I'm 51 years old and I know plenty of honest hard working people who got the rug pulled out from under them and can't find a job other than a few bucks here and there. These are people are skilled , worked 6-7 days a week and have been consistently working for 30 + years what I call go getters.
I find it disturbing that given today's dismal job market that there's a section of America viewing these people as lazy and unmotivated. Is there a segment of the population that leeches off the system? of course there is and most of us probably know a few but stop with the childish fear and realize good hard working Americans are going down in flames.
My tribute to OWS
Please remember that psychopaths always blame their victims. These sub-rational people who repeat ad nauseum that the poor are poor because they are stupid and lazy: One would think a rock as large as the one they live under would have crushed them to death by now.
RON PAUL! 2012
When you boil it down to its essence, the endlessly regurgitated economic argument coming from the Right is this: If you don’t keep overpaying the overpaid, the overpaid will stop working, and if you don’t keep underpaying the underpaid, the underpaid will stop working. Getting more money keeps the rich working, getting more money makes the poor go all leisure class. This argument is clearly self-contradictory.
The present system believes in getting 99% to work by underpay and 1% to work by overpay. The absurd logical conclusion of this view is that the most work will be done by paying one person everything.
Our society is so far from nature we have forgotten the underpinning natural sense in the system.
Broadly speaking, everyone is working, more or less equally, or in other words, working unequally within a small range. No one can work more than twice as hard as the average person who works more than 50 hours a week. Half the world's workers, housewives, work 70-90+ hours a week. No one can work more than about 100 hours a week long-term. Meanwhile, pay ranges extremely widely: from a million times to 1000th of world average hourly pay.
Another argument of the subrational majority of people is that work is unequal, therefore unequal pay is just. The error here is that this justifies only one out of an infinite number of possible inequalities of pay. If one works twice as hard, justice pays him twice as much - not any unequal amount from 1000th the average to a million times the average.
Most people will get hot under the collar if you suggest equality, because they think equality is unfair and/or would take away motivation to work. Some people take pride in working hard and they reasonably want to be paid more. They suspect or presume others are working less, and they don’t want those others paid the same as themselves. Fair enough, reasonable enough, although one could still argue against it further. But the inequality of work does not prove that inequality of pay should be uncontrolled; it argues only that inequality of pay should be proportional to work, which is very, very different from what we have.
I don’t think anyone will argue that the most overpaid is working a billions times harder than the most underpaid, who is presumably working his/her ass off to stay alive and save his/her family. And yet, many are the voices more indignant if some slacker’s child gets a free sandwich, than they are over billions of doles to the richest sandwich eaters, the Welfare Kings.
One ought to be able to say just the one fact that pay per fortnight ranges from $1 to $1,000,000,000 and immediately everyone understands that that is extremely dangerous destructive wasteful miserymaking violencemaking chaosmaking warmaking slaverymaking ignorancemaking. That that is putting a brake hard on human progress. And that that is destroying 99+% of human birthright natural happiness. And that it is in everyone's interests to have some mechanism for preventing or countering the ever-escalation of overpay and underpay, of violence, crime and war, of slavery and tyranny, of genocide nazis fascists hiroshimas dresdens stalins ceausescus idi amins pol pots alexanders napoleans biafras beiruts and nuclear winter.
But, no. The power of custom and convention, the faith in the herdthink, the power of denial, of head in the sand, of immaturity, of pleasure-principle over reality-principle, the enormous energy relative to average human mental energy needed to put the brain into gear and think realistically, means no-think.
Not even the fact that we have gone in 50 years from being able only to firestorm Dresden and 87 Japanese cities, which are just flyspots on the globe, to being able to globally block out sunlight forever and kill everything with a 60th of the bombs we have, not even this fact stirs even 1% of human minds to consciousness, alarm, correct prioritization and practicality.
The steady escalation of injustice and war and weaponry for thousands of years has not alarmed most people. Most people are not thinking about these things. Most people are quite confident that nothing is wrong, that the only purpose of life right now is steady as she goes working, watching tv, playing sports, amusing ourselves however we can, catching laughs. Moreover, they will quickly turn vicious if you made a concerted attempt to make them face reality. Like trying to tear a lion away from its food.
In the human race, there just isn’t 100th of the intelligence needed to pursue happiness successfully. Justice is happiness. We have extreme extreme injustice. Therefore we can be extremely extremely happier. Investment in justice pays the greatest dividend. But you cannot get this into people's heads. At all. Not a tiny bit. Not a tiny teeny itsy bit.
The human cortex has made us technological and nuclear giants, and ethical cretins. You just have to look at the facts that we have pay from a billion to $1for a fortnight's work and that virtually no one is worried about this and that indeed many are vigorously defending this, to see that there just is not 100th of the intelligence needed to attain natural ordinary birthright happiness such as the noncortical animals have the sense to attain.
We were infinitely safer when defenseless against the tiger than we are now, defenseless against the atom bomb. We had more ideas to defend ourselves against the tiger than we are having ideas to defend ourselves against the bomb. The human being is apparently in a state of deep numbness in the face of the pickle we are in.
The solution is so easy: counter the ceaseless automatic drift of money from earners to nonearners by shoveling money from the 1% overpaid back to the 99% underpaid who did 99% of the work that produced the goods that the money is token of.
But people see economic justice as injustice, even though 99% of people would be better paid with justice, ie, pay proportional to work.
Humans are hilarious.
The thieves are the ones with all the money, Hunny. Sadly, even those in this occupy movement are unaware they are unaware they are unaware of myriad legal thefts in our economic dystems that stay on the job 24 hours a day ceaselessly shifting wealth from earners to non-earners. Work creates wealth. Money RAKES it for no work done. Go to youtube and look for the Lcurve animated by David Chandler and make that vivid illustration of insane inequality of wealthpower go viral.