Forum Post: I'm mad as hell, and i'm not going to take it anymore
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 10:04 a.m. EST by RichardGates
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 10:04 a.m. EST by RichardGates
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
From within please let me offer this up: This stinky tent and encampment doesn’t hold a candle to MARCHING and STAYING ON THE MOVE. Sheot’ I’m looking around here at 6: AM and truly what I see is a crumbling mess that has now attracted all the original street people that were here before “WE” came around. I’m OWS-LA just 25 yards off Spring St. SE. corner City Hall , blue canopy one man with a stencil of JFK, come yell at me for this if you want? I’ve been involved with widespread protests since returning from 13.+ months in Vinh Moc to the Gio Linh, nough’ said, the thinking among you can figure the rest out. Civil Rights Movement readings are (one) passion of mine, Why? Because it WORKED! OWS consider a 90° turn, let’s (Oh, NO) organize and trade-in encampment for more rubber up and down every street. Use Martin Luther’s Hand-Book, no need to reinvent the WHEEL.
You got mad ? just because you lost your dirty tent ? I can donate a clean one but with condition that you go occupy Nevada desert ? Will you ?
c l a s s i c
Rage kicks ass. It's kind of strange that ClearChannel doesn't allow them to be played on the radio anymore.....After 9/11 happened.
Yah, mon. So what ya gonna do? Johnny, yu too bad? For most, the rage dissipates eventually and they go back to school, work. and play & continue complaining or are absorbed back into the system. To commit oneself long-term, now that's the hard part. sure is, come along
Here is another one from Keith Olbermann.
I think TWisted Sister already said ti.................We're not gonna take ti
:) cool
Very good video. We're NOT going to take it. If the banks collapse we're all going to war. We're going to take the world apart one continent at a time. No biggie... watch the warriors, they're all worked out - evolution's been preparing us for world war for years.
you really think any one of the nations people would go to war. they know what time it is too. the people are more enlightened and empowered than any time in history.
Yea I definitely believe we will. When the banks fail everything stops - all government salaries, all schools, all industry. Everything, and I mean everything, stops... Everything and everybody will become an object of our hate. We're going to war, big time. This is the very reason Greece is headed by a military junta.
OCCUPY WALL STREET Pinback Buttons! ~~ only 99c !
A portion of proceeds will go toward our local movement in the form of food and drinks. If you have a few extra bucks, drop off a box of apples or anything you can to the folks outside in your community!
Free Shipping Offer!
These are going to be huge. Need help making a t-shirt. We need to draw a picture of Zooccotti Park with a cage around it. Here are some ideas: Draw a hippie climbing the cage like a monkey and throwing shit.
Draw a hippie rolling in mud and shit like a pig.
Draw a hippies fucking like dogs.
Draw a picture of a hippie eating peanuts like a big fucking elephant. Draw a hippie as a lazy fucking Ape doing nothing.
wish'n you were me. love it.
Stalker troll
RichardGates = long-outed PAID TROLL
There Is a War Going On For Your Mind
Somehow, this video seems more in line with the title of your post.
I think it should be the official OWS theme song and video, present at all protests.
omg an 80s rocker, welcome homie :)
In terms of pop and rock, the 80's cannot be beat!
word, i'm 34, i can appreciate that.
I'm 35!
Are you gay too?
No, but I don't have a problem with someone who is. BTW - Richard is a great gay name, especially if you give it a French accent. One of my great friends is named Richard and is gay. I always thought of it as an apt gay name, sort of like Julien.
yeah, i think we past our cool expiration :P
oldie but goodie
hard to believe just how true it holds
Inherent truths are unarguable. Greed is always bad because it is an excess of survival. Excess is imbalance. Imbalance leads to decay and decay to death.
Right on! You would love the book Wildfire:The Legislation that Ignited the Great Recession, it advocates for legislation to prevent greed.
I'm already in that. Love the documentaries of late...Inside Job...
"Inherent truths are unarguable" - Isn't that a double pleonasm? All truths are inherently truthful and unarguable.
truth is relative and based soley on your current knowledge
Not by definition. A truth is absolute perfect knowledge, but it can be applied to a particular location and time. I don't believe truth is knowable. What we do are estimations.
Then we can never know absolute truths. All that we know to be fact is only true when given certain parameter.
Absolute truth is a pleonasm since truths are always absolute. Yes, you are right, we can never know the truth because we never have all the parameters. Truth is unknowable, except for some Christians who claim to have a special relationship with God.
You got it.