Forum Post: "I'm Jewish..." "I'm Jewish..." "I'm Jewish..." "I'm Jewish..." "I'm Jewish..." "I'm Jewish..." "I'm Jewish..." "I'm Jewish..."
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 1:21 a.m. EST by HanukahPooper
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That's all a liberal has to hear and they immediately go in to servitude.
wow. the ignorance stuns me, though it shouldn't.
fyi, the left/right dichotomy is a tool of the powerful to keep you debating on forums, instead of spending your time rising against them.
secondly, if you are referring to support of Palestinians, make no mistake that, most of the time, it has nothing do with anti-Semitism. To be against anything Israel does not necessarily, and certainly SHOULD not, have anything to do with how you feel about the Jewish religion.
No, they put on their Hamas kaffiyeh and start jumping up and down about "Jewish Bankers", followed up by 9/11 truth.
Never understood where the Left became rabidly anti-Semitic. Is it just because Conservatives support Israel?