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Forum Post: Im Confused About the March to DC?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 12:21 p.m. EST by xposingfalsehoods (39)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I know its to fight about the Bush tax cuts but what are the goals? are we pushing to tax the 1% more? if so this is a terrible move. we should not be fighting to raise taxes on anyone. we should march up there have have the message of no Federal taxes for any American. Even if they Tax the 1% more, all we did was keep the same illegal corrupt system in play. we cant patch up the problem, we need to remove the root cause. ...just my thoughts



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[-] 2 points by moediggity (646) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

I know its to fight about the Bush tax cuts but what are the goals?

Jesus christ........

[-] -1 points by xposingfalsehoods (39) 13 years ago

i dont get what Christ has to do with this, lets not make this a religious issue please.

[-] 1 points by moediggity (646) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

well honestly, how are you going to answer your own question and still ask "what are the goals?"

[-] 0 points by xposingfalsehoods (39) 13 years ago

i asked because I truly dont know the details, and if and only if they are marching to raise taxes then I gave an answer. but if thats not the reason for the march then the answer doesnt matter

[-] 1 points by julianzs (147) 13 years ago

This post is for 1%...... Sat like a cormorant; yet not true life Thereby regained, but sat devising death. To them who lived;

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 13 years ago

I agree. If #OWS is gonna march on Washington, it should make sure it is meaningful and powerful. First, #OWS should put together a full list of demands that a large majority of protesters can endorse. Next, bring the demands to DC in huge numbers. To go to Washington to protest a single issue, like ending tax breaks for the rich, is much too narrow and will not fire up demonstrators like a full slate of demands with teeth in them. Besides, there are many people who believe increasing taxes on anyone during a recession is counterproductive because doing so will hurt job creation.

[-] 1 points by notastupidsheep (3) 13 years ago

since the majority of Occupiers are Democrats (AND the democratic party stands for "no national banking"..since the inception of Thomas Jefferson) who was in office when GLBA was instated...Bill Clinton. Who issued the bailouts AND asked Bush to start the ball rolling so he would have $350 billion ready available 1Q for his presidency..Obama AND who did Obama consult 1Q when he took office..Clinton AND who asked for additional $400 billion for bailouts only 3 weeks in office....Obama. I must say, Dems, your party elects represent the so-call "Republican mentalty" more than actually Republicans do. They literally go against the fabric of what the democratic party represents. Maybe it's b/c they're the stockholders. AND "occupiers" who is the one person that a CEO of fortune 500 company answers too...the STOCKHOLDERS. You're marching on the wrong damned city ppl. Your tents on popped on the wrong street. If you truly want to accomplish what you've started you need to move it out of NYC to the capital. These bills have NOTHING to do with CEO's...they were aloud by our government. Bill could have veto'd GLBA but he didn't. remember that. Obama could have said "NO" to the our tax dollars. You need to ask yourselves: Does the Democratic Party actually stand for the "little people" anymore...or are THEY the greedy ones that are trying to make you look at their right hand so you won't see what their left is doing. wake-up.

Tax cuts for BUSINESSES! not for the rich...anyone can own a business and if you did you would also receive those tax incentatives. You just choose not too. Remember why we are here in this economic mess...it's b/c TWO Democrats. NOT Republicans.

[-] 0 points by xposingfalsehoods (39) 13 years ago

I partially agree with you. I personally doubt that people down there are of any party or support the democratic party. I think by now we all know that both parties are the same and work for the agenda of the corporations. so political parties dont matter anymore. Ive been down there and its not a pro one party group at all. and i agree partially with the location of the protesting. while I do agree with protesting wall street, at the same time we need to be protesting the government it self. cause its the government who supports these corporations. each state holds major stock in all the top companies and they use our pensions to do it. its suck a corrupt system from top to bottom that you need to cut off all the arms of the octopus instead of just one. we need to stop the way our states manage our money, end the fed, end the IRS, bring all the troops home, get the UN out of here, and get out of NATO

[-] 1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

I was totally thinking the same. I applaud the effort of the marchers. But I feel that this is so misguided to focus on spending or taxes. The MSM is going to have a field day with this. This has Fox News - Wealth Redistribution headline all over it.

I hope while the marchers are in the neighborhood, they can swing by Congress or the Supreme Court.

There is this little issue of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision a while back that had the effect of diminishing our representative republic form of democracy. Sadly, alot of Americans are unaware of this Court decision and the harmful effects it has on our democracy and our lives. I know this is shocking and appalling, but it is true.

Seems that, in all of their power and infinite wisdom, the main stream media does not choose to talk about this little Supreme Court case very much.

If this protest does not work to inform and educate the broader public of this Court decision - who will?

[-] 0 points by xposingfalsehoods (39) 13 years ago

you are on the money with what you just said! This movement has potential to be monumental. but if we fight the wrong fight, we fall back into the same system of corruption. Im in full support of OWS, ive marched plenty of times and spread the word but Ive been manipulated plenty of times in my life in this world so once I see something that I dont support, ill call it out and we should work towards real change and not just bandaid the problems. The court ruling you talk about sounds familiar but Im not sure of the details. I need to look it up. yea the court system itself is such a fraud, its Britain in America. thats all

[-] 1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

This will get you started.
Citizens United v FEC.
This must get overturned with a Constitutional Amendment in order to enact Campaign Finance Reform.
There is a bill in Congress for it that was announced last week. Many have said the language is not strong enough.
There are other proposals with stronger language, one is get money out, link below.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/01/citizens-united-constitutional-amendment_n_1069596.html http://www.getmoneyout.com/ http://tomudall.senate.gov/?p=blog&id=970

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

The bush tax cuts help you a little while helping the 1 % a lot. It is supposed to more of that trickle down economics, which equates to piss on the 99%. Corporate welfare in the form of subsidies, tax loopholes, and minimal penalties needs to be a focus, too, but the bush tax cuts are a start. Even very famous republicans know the clinton era taxes were responsible for a government surplus. Ive posted that article elsewhere and dont want to keep posting it, but if you want to see it, ask.