Forum Post: The republican front runners are so fucking stupid that I'm beginning to think it has to be a conspiracy to get Barack Obama re-elected.
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 1, 2012, 7:40 p.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic
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I'm beginning to think that the republican front runners are so fucking stupid that it has to be a conspiracy to get Barack Obama re-elected.
Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney? And a lot of republicans think that OWS is just a conspiracy to get Obama re-elected? They should look into their own candidates. They're going to get Obama re-elected.
4 more years of Bush's war legacy - Democrat or Republican 2012
WWE wrestlers and Presidential candidates want you to believe them.
NATO commander admits that "flickers" of Al Qaeda and Hezbollah terrorists among the Libyan rebels. This officially classifies them as "associated forces." How does Clinton get impeached for lying about a blowjob but Bush and Obama can commit war crimes and get away with it hands clean?
Bush was a moron and he got elected twice.
with both counts questioned
we have no faith in our democracy (vote)
I suggest we stand by our own votes
so they can be counted and verified by everyone
2000, 2004, and 2012 will go down as 3 of the worst elections in American history.
Yah but he didn't increase what you owe to the government from $38,000, when bush left office, to $46,000 while the Obimination is still in office.
check this out:
each person's share of national debt is $180,000. this is pretty much the accepted number. and bush blew that up very very substantially. obama incurred debt to try to mute this meltdown, which is in the 4th inning.
Sorry but you are wrong - If every person pays (man, woman and child) $46,000 the debt would be "0".
As far as my share of the national debt I didn't accept it - it was pushed on everyone because of governments "usless" spending habits, be it for the rich, the middle class or the poor.
It all came from the same pot. That needs to stop.
i agree on your political point--they're basically spending on your's and my credit card without our permission, except insofar as one could characterize the occasional trip to the polls as "consent." i grabbed the wrong debt clock figure,,, it is 49,000 per person, but debt per taxpayer is $138,000--that's a shitload of waste. why don't they just steal a house from you or me?
no he just caused the crisis that broke the banks so we ended up with a depression economy that needed propping up ---AND if the Reagan Bush/Bush deficits weren't there we would have had money to deal with it. We have this wretched economy because those folks let all our jobs go to China so that America had nothing to sell but debt. You are a fool who wants more of the same mess if you want to blame Obama for this mess America is in.
If you look at the GDP you see that it started going down hill when Clinton signed the NAFTA agreement. That's when things started changing.
I remember within a year after that, equipment from trane was manufacturered in Mexico and assembled in the United States. I believe that all their products are now made and assembled in Mexico.
and my mexicaster (fender stratocaster). i think free trade is a crock, just like greenspan thought the banks would regulate themselves and keep everything in check--pure idiocy.
I agree - I think things that are built in other countries should be taxed to a equivelant rate if they were built here. The tax could then be used as a loan to start more businesses up or used for anything related to manufacturing in this country.
That would even the playing field.
But then you have those people who want everything cheap - as a result we are getting "cheap" and "disposable" products in this country every day.
Nafta suked ---------all those trade deals were suicide starting with Reagan to now. All the bank law changes from Reagan to the mess we are in now were basically done to facilitate the creation and sale of debt products because we no longer had goods to sell to the world. It worked for a little while because we had good credit, what are we going to do now? Just keep turning into a serfdom?
next republican agenda [right click]
Paul Ryan sucks - thanks for the video.
More breaks for the top, more war, and more money printing.
Same regardless of who is in power.
The threat is privatization of Social Security. The new generation of Republicans are attacking what remains of Roosevelt's New Deal with a vengeance.
In the 1930s there was a plot by several industrial interests to overthrow the US government and install a military dictatorship comparable to the ones in Italy and Germany. The plot failed. President Roosevelt did not put the conspirators on trial for treason. He allowed them to keep their property and wealth as long as they did not interfere with his New Deal policies.
Wall St Dark Secret [right click]
Profiteers [right click]
I dont go off what history said 90 years ago, it rewrites itself all the time.
I wish they would let me just opt out all together of SS.
History has a way of repeating the same mistakes. [right click]
It sure does.
They are all puppets.
It's no conspiracy -
the fukin repelicans really are that stupid
Agreed. I see Romney and Obama as the same thing. I mean check out Open Secrets. Both are backed by big business (and a lot of the same ones) and lobbyists. Both have led us into further military conflict. I see them as one in the same.
Obama has more experience. He knows more about the problems in the economy. He has tried to reach a bi-partisan solution. I don't think Mitt Romney can get up to speed and if he could he'd be going in the wrong direction. There'd be more gridlock if the Democrats organize their opposition.
The Republican Party is unfit to run government. They let GW Bush go to war on falsehoods: Iraq was connected to 9/11, Iraq had WMD and Iraq was aiding al Qaeda. The least Republicans could have done was impeach Bush and Cheney. Instead of offering new candidates for 2004 Election they guaranteed their candidacy for reelection. What an insult to the American people. What did the Republicans do after 2004? Hurrican Katrina response was pathetic. More tax cuts for the rich. Further collapse of the economy in Bush's last 4 months in office. Passed a $700+ billion bailout with no strings attached.
Bush was the worst President ever and Republicans did nothing to get rid of him. If Romney screws up they won't get rid of him either. At least Democrats will impeach their own President.
The Worst President
For this the Republicans should lose a role in government in 2012.
same as every single election that i know of. both get their regular stipend from the regular cast of characters with the express intent to F the public in some tricky way.
"conspiracy to get Barack Obama re-elected."
Why not .... Both sides get paid by the same people.
You need to relax a little. Try this. Write down the ten policies that you think are not just stupid but are so ridiculous that if you explained them to a 10 year old child they would say totally nuts. Then Google them with a GOP Presidential Candidate's name and you will find at least seven of them used in a speech in this current primary. Then sit back, drink a six pack, laugh a little take a nap and when you wake up, try to find three forms of ID and go down and try to re register as an Independent. If you can;t do it, you are living in a state with a GOP governor. The register on Monster and try to find a job in another state. If that doesn't work, you could just self-deport?
Post 9/11 mass hysteria?
How did newt, a man with no ethics when it comes to marriage get as far as he got? he was leading the charge to impeach Clinton. This is a stupid country, used to be smart and got stupid, who knows why. I don't have much hope for us
I couldn't begin to hazard a guess about Newt. The man makes my skin crawl.
He would be the reason I leave the country if he were to become president. Anyone that classifies an entire religion as an enemy like he did during one of the debates and then in a later debate say that all enemies need to be killed... well that just sounds like Hitler to me.
I know why - it's because of our government schools that the vast majority of the people in this country went to.
I'd say that's probably how they get away with it. No one wants to question because they'll accuse you of not wanting to take out the "evil doers." Of course Obama is more articulate and more pragmatic and doesn't say evil doers. He just says terrorists want to attack us.
Some facts about the war crimes: Torture, unconstitutional wars, and the Libyan rebels have ties to Al Qaeda and Hezbollah terrorists.
NATO commander admits to the Armed Services committee that "flickers" of Al Qaeda and Hezbollah terrorists among the Libyan rebels. This should officially classify them as "associated forces."
The only people running for Republican Orifice are those like Ron Paul that want air time for their ideas.
Good men will not run. The RIG is fixed for OREO, he has kept the bankers out of prison and he is black which makes it easy to send the the people of color to oil wars.
The 1% could not have a better prez than the OREO, no need for replacement, all insiders know this.
The only people running for Republican Orifice are those like Ron Paul that want air time for their ideas.
Conspiracy?...It's right in your face brother!
While you're wasting time on making fun of them, Republicans are using the democratic system against you. Please read the Rolling Stone article cited in this post:
Never said I wasn't voting. I just don't plan to vote for frauds, and that includes Obama.
Are you just understanding all of this? Republicrats. Six and one-half dozen of the other. The problem is that too many Americans have such low IQ's they actually think their candidate can make a difference. And yes that includes all these idiots that still drool over Obama and his party.
so you don't represent and party in the body politic, well I believe we have found are idiot of the day. The problem with our society is that so many apathetic individuals believe their view is the most intelligent. What I hear you saying is a plague on both your houses, while I bitch about the idiots in the houses. What happens when you choose not to vote? Do you do any good or do you just get to bitch louder. The subtle differences of the parties is enough for me to pick a side. the similarities is enough to make me ashamed of my nation. but That don't stop me from rallying for a side.
apathy is the problem, and not necessarily in voting, because a vote is an illusion to appease the masses--it's speculative at best as to what your guy will do in the future. i receive personal christmas cards from my legislators--do you know why? i talk with them in person and write them emails, i know the people in their office. i also consult with them on certain issues, since i have some special knowledge they don't--all for free... you're welcome. how many times since the beginning of the year have you contacted your guys/gals? do you know the secretary's name?
i'll give you that. No, I don't communicate with my senators. And I believe that what you do, writing and communicating with your law makers, should be something that I work on. I like to believe I'm well informed but get the impression that because I don't own my own business, The law makers have nothing to say to me. But that could just be a personal fear of the unknown that I need to overcome.
Are you kidding? You just keep rallying for your side. If you don't understand what that means you are a retard beyond hope. Who the fuck said anything about not voting?
so you believe your side is the side that will give you your utopia. Trust me I know the differences and I'm not impressed with the utopian message of the right. If the private sector was so altruistic they would not be paying me the bare minimal for my labor. The only way to make the private sector do what's right by me is to get big brother to beat the living shit out of it, so to speak.
Please. You don't even get the OP. you are embarrassing yourself. Stop. American Idol is on tonight. I'm sure you will like it.
that's funny. I have to go to work, but even if I didn't I would not watch such brain dead tv. If I had more time I would back track and read the post, but political discourse for the worker is a piece meal affair. In closing, that American Idol crack was hilarious. Cheers!
The average american was an idiot long prior to TV, this is an AGRIC colony that was for convicts then slave, then manufacturing and now its a KAPUT welfare state, with no purpose for the hairlips other than work in foreign wars as mercenarys or wait to die,
Ever wonder why health care in the USA is the worse and most expensive? Ok I'll tell you why the folks that run the world don't need the USA population anymore, and the sooner they all die or kill themselves the sooner the world can live in relief. Ok, can you handle the truth?
that is a grim assessment. so does Australia fit in that paradigm of prison colony. And if the rest of the world is waiting for us to die, don't they know forever is a long time.
funny the same can be said today of the USA
Of course Australia is a post penal colony, and 99% of the folks on the street in Australia are taught this in schools they're well aware that their blood is shit, and that on average they have lower IQ's than kiwi's,
What's fascinating about the USA public is they're taught they're the best, the average US person on the street has no idea that long ago the USA soil was just a big prison for the worst assholes on earth,... funny the same can be said today of the USA
I'd argue you the premise of you post is so fucking stupid you must have voted for Obama in 2008 and will again display your complete ignorance by doing it again in Nov..
Then you are ignorant because it aint happening. I actually called my congressmen today as well as the judiciary committee asking why Obama has not been impeached for war crimes.
Cool. Any response from them?
I think I'll do the same.
Just the usual response where they don't really seem to care. I'd say about 20% of my calls or visits to my congressmen's offices I will get a real response. I went in with a group of people a while back about my congressmen's vote for the NDAA and got a real good response. The guy in the office was pathetically unaware for being a government employee working for a congressman, but he was interested so I'll give him some cred. He asked to keep my sign which he said he planned to give to Lee Terry when he came back in town. It said "Lee Terry and Ben Nelson support a system that violates the constitution" and on the back I listed everything they voted on and which part of the constitution was violated. Today was not one of those days where I got a positive response though. And all my calls were to republicans today too. I figured it'd finally be something we fully agree on but they just said "We'll pass it along." I try and call or write my congressmen once a week. What pisses me off is that Lee Terry, a republican, and Ben Nelson, a democrat, vote almost identically. They're both frauds.
Good for you for staying on them! At least my representative, Martin Heinrich voted against NDAA. I called to thank him. He is running for the senate this year and he has my support.
That's awesome. Lee Terry recently tried to pass legislation that would allow robo calls to cell phones. He ended up killing it because so many people called and got pissed. It would have been awesome to set up a robo calling machine to constantly call his office in protest. But yeah, that should show you how productive Lee Terry is. He's currently trying to get that pipeline built through my state even though one recently broke and leaked over 150,000 gallons of dirty oil everywhere. I wrote him a letter which told him that the pipeline needs to make like a circle and go 'round.
Okay,then I'am "ignorant of that fact as you say.
But still " the premise of your post is so fucking stupid you must have voted for Obama in 2008"
That much is true and as such you have NO grounds to declare:
"republican front runners are so fucking stupid that I'm beginning to think it has to be a conspiracy to get Barack Obama re-elected."
That's a generalized statement and tells everybody that you don't know WTF you're talking about.
Mitt,..........Yeah,He's a moderate and is posing as a Conservative to get elected. Romneycare effectively neuters Mitt when debating Obamacare. I won't vote for him unless I have to. To beat Obama.
Newt, a Conservative with some baggage but is passionate and incredibly intelligent,who could destroy Obama in a debate hands down. He would get my vote.
Rick, a Conservative also and beyond his lack of money and name recognition he would also get my vote. Very qualified to Lead.
Ron,........Fuck him,he is nothing but a leach of votes from the other Candidates and if Obama'll be Ron Paul's fault as with his die hard supporters.
My post was also a joke. You should calm down.
Newt Gingrich is a fucking fraud. He's fantastic at spin and misinformation. I will give him that much. Let's put mirrors in space to reflect light on highways. Because that's cheaper and smarter than street lights.
Santorum is a dumb fuck bigot who spends too much time not wanting gay people to get married.
Mitt Romney is an asshat. He speaks out about people shouldn't fraudulently take out loans and not pay them back but that was one of the sole ways Bain Capital made it's money. He's a hypocrite and he doesn't care about anything other than getting elected. I wonder what he flip flopped about today.
I like Ron Paul's foreign policy and his views about the federal reserve. I don't like anything else about him.
You don't have to convince me that Obama is a fraud. I already know that.
The entire point of my post is a joke that points out that this will be one of the worst elections in history.
Actually your comments on Santorum is are unfounded and quite bigoted in and of themselves.
Newt and Rick represent our only hope of getting the Chocolate Jesus out of the White Mosque in November.
This maybe a joke to you. You are obviously comfortable with four more years of Leftist "hope and change" but I'm not.
So who the hell are you going to vote for to get this POS POTUS out in Nov.???????
if my comment about Santorum is unfounded then you are suggesting that he wants to pass laws to allow gay people to get married and not the opposite?
Maybe if the congress, specifically the judiciary committee, weren't full of war mongering frauds they would be impeaching Obama and Obama might not even be an option. But they're not because Lamar Smith loves war crimes and has no problem with war criminal presidents like Bush and Obama.
I'll be voting for someone who isn't Obama and who isn't the republican nominee in November.
Also when you say things like "Chocolate Jesus of the White Mosque", you sound bigoted. If you're going to call out Obama, use facts, don't use racial commentary and prejudice. It makes you sound ignorant as fuck. Call Obama a war criminal and a fraud like he deserves.