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Forum Post: I'm a little confused about this...

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 7:46 p.m. EST by Curious1 (0)
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What is occupy wallstreet about? The name suggests that it has something to do with wallstreet but i can't find any specific information pertaining to what this about. The most i have been able to find is 'aims to fight back against the richest 1% of people that are writing the rules of an unfair global economy that is foreclosing on our future' on the 'About' page and i keep seeing posts referencing the 99% of the population, that i would be part of, but i don't recall ever authorizing anyone to speak on my behalf and the fact that it is happening is extremely offensive to me. If this is against wallstreet, then why are there links to publicly owned social networking sites that have stocks that are traded on wallstreet? Beyond that, i'm confused why there is involvement in the forclosure industry because my understanding is that to get a home loan, you need to sign a contractural agreement with the bank. I have never heard of a contract that states something like 'if you lose your job then you aren't held accountable for continued repayment' and now that the consequences of 'living outside your means' and not planning ahead for probable termoil, meaning shit happens and you didn't save any money for it, people are demanding hand-outs again. I for one, agree that something has to be done but i cannot understand why i have to go to work everyday and work my ass off to make the money to pay my bills and mortgage payments while people involved in this movement are expecting to be given a house. Last time i checked, there were still homeless shelters where families can stay because, you guessed it, they are homeless. By taking over a 'vacant' house, without going through the necessary steps, doesn't it reinforce the notion that it is ok to violate the rules and laws because there are no consequences to it? I'm not looking for a juvinile response of 'they did it first' because how is a movement supposed to do anything if they aren't going to lead by example? Can someone clarify this for me?



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[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

It's about stoping companies like this:


The Revolution starts here!

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

Maybe some people feel that they just have to put their human heart above monetary gain.