Forum Post: Illuminati - What is it? What does it mean to you? Are they in charge?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 16, 2011, 5:31 a.m. EST by NewEnglandPatriot
from Dartmouth, MA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Many people point to the "Illuminati" as the source of many problems. The pyramid on the dollar bill, other conspiracy theories, etc. Hollywood, Freemasons, our presidents, our government, bloodlines, Satan, etc. I think it is quite entertaining. I understand what it is to be enlightened. It has a meaning to me, and I need no "secret society" to access the "cosmic power" of enlightenment. How about you? Your thoughts? I can teach you what I know and how you must look within to access you enlightened powers. Have fun!
I have a recommendation for a book you might enjoy: "The Prague Cemetery" by Umberto Eco. It is excellent. Put it on your reading list.
Will do.
Here are the kings of inhumane values! They are the Lords of the Dirty Fucks!
The Revolution starts here!
I beg to differ, not on your post, I mean the "Illuminati" symbolism and attachment to them. I think we can use this system, I have and can share it. OWS has already achieved a degree, by raising consciousness. We must use our side "of the force, warriors of light" to put the "dark side" back where it belongs. No Star wars here, Earth Wars, and its real. Lets use the system we were never told about to achieve victory. It will start
Then please share your wisdom on the post. The KTC will accept all the help it can get. :)
The Revolution starts here!
First you must start by letting go of anger,hate and fear. FEAR NOTHING. I mean everything. The second you react with anger, the power is gone from you and you submit back to darkness.
Accept you believe in a supreme being. Call it God, Jesus, Allah, Jeshua, Jehovah - They all represent the same. Call it nothing, it is in you my brother. Throw the books and teachings they gave you out the window. One does not need scripture to access the power. If you understand that these are like books, to tell you how to ride a bicycle. The book was written to tell you to lean to left when riding bike, you keep falling off. The stories are sound, but don't teach you the power. History has been re-written and spread out to many religions to keep us divided Christ never intended a "religion cult" be created in his name He was a rider of the bicycle, and you can ride it too.
Judge , but do so subtly - meaning internally. Do good by your deeds. Go out to nature, away from electronics, power lines, etc. You can absorb cosmic energy when you are away from the interference.
Let go of this is impossible, I tell you this is very possible. I will put up lessons on this, but you must submit, and purge the evil.
We all have a little sin, time to reformat the hard drive.
I meant the link that I put on here (Stop the evildoers!).
The 1st thing to stop evil is with the opposite. Good. Good intentions. Good will, etc. Abandon all bad and seek good. It is viral, and we must unite under principles of good, freedom let them keep exposing their evil hands. The more aware we become the more energy we get. They will back off. However this time we must not retreat. We must continue, now and forever, occupy on holidays, demand parades, etc. We can do it - YES WE CAN not under a president, WE ARE WE YOU NO ME OR I, ONCE YOU PURIFY I THEN UNITE AS WE
No killing, use a phrase like abandon, disown, out, oust, etc. Kill is hate oriented , and will draw in a negative crowd and response - the awareness will become divided and eventually fail, You would think I am crazy if I told you some things. I died once for 7 minutes and returned with things I am still figuring out. Knowledge of the universe.....It is power, we all have it good and evil. We must unite under good, or light to defeat evil or darkness....Love to all of us we will prevail