Forum Post: * If you're Powerful enough to Keep Breaking the Law..
Posted 13 years ago on March 2, 2012, 11:28 a.m. EST by Marlow
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..Pretty soon everyone begins believing there IS no law!
'Hey, if they Keep doing that, and no one SAYS anything, or Does anything, it MUST be ok, and Legal!'
** See? ...THAT's how the System broke down!
..And it will be the ENFORCEMENT of the Laws that will Bring Back a Secure System.
Like taking Lloyd Blankfien , and the Rest of GS Ceo's and BOD's!.. to Criminal Court!
it could be the snap shop to the world stored in redundancy across it
And Obama does nothing. Or he outright lies, "Wall St.'s behavior was unethical but not illegal."
BUSH! Bama wasnt IN office when the Goldman Sachs Privately owned Trading Program was put into abusive affect at the NYSE!
That Program allows All the illegal Trading abuses willy nilly.. and NO ONE is Saying Anything about it!
Collusion.. they All Trade now in Unison .. MM's Hedgefunds, Investment banks.. Exchanges.. in UNISON on that Software Program that is a Private Membership to Thievery!
And.. since the Investment Banks have been UN-Regulated.. BUSH was the one to turn that Key for their Profits!
no.. it goes back A lot farther than the Inexperienced President, trying to get the 'Green' out from behind his ears.
Yes, it does goes way back. Somehow we have a looters' economy and all the respectable parties act like it's all normal.
That was a paraphrase, but Obama did recently make just such a statement.
So then Clinton is responsible for the revocation of the Glass Steagall Act. We can go on and on about who did what when. Your fingers would be all twisted up from trying to point in all the directions. Placing blame may make you feel good for a little while, but fixing problems needs a little more substance. I go back to your original comment. Enforce current regulation to start, then go from there.
..the System is allowing all that ignorance and Greed FULL Throttle ..
..BECAUSE those in power lost sight of the FUTURE, and became immersed in the Ability to Take without Consequences, Living only in the Present and solely for themselves.. ( you all know, like allowing your Teenagers to have Freedom of Parenting?) .. ... The Lawmakers Created the Path, and the Past Administrations.. Opened the GATES!
I can agree with this statement. I just will not let the Repubs or the Dems off the hook. So many on here are all about Dems when they are every bit as guilty as the Repubs. Until we as a people stop buying into the partisan BS, we will always be at each others throats and struggling.
Nooo. ( aside from your accurate point..) the Real Point is that during the Reagan Admin.. that Capitalism became the Legal Way to ROB the Middle Class..
And Lobbyists took over from there.. Greed was their 'Parting Gift Bag'!~
Not gonna do it. I could spend my whole day citing problems with Dems and their policies through history and the same for the Repubs. It is a waste of valuable time. Solutions.....forget the partisan stuff. If we dwell on partisanship, ideas will never be brought forward and flourish.
We do Well UNITED.. yes!
.. and i will Back that up every Day of the Week!
Elected Officials.. WHO the F'k Let them Keep Portfolios????
They are THE Quintessential Inside Traders!
They finally made that illegal. But it was always a crime against justice. It should still be brought up in elections.
TY Nom.. it is a Powerful Issue for ALL Concerned, not just for the Civilian's , not in investments...
But for Every Person at the Mercy of Wall Street's Actions!