Forum Post: If you want to vote for a racist anti-semetic anti-women's rights doctor ---
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 22, 2011, 8:46 a.m. EST by bensdad
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A 1992 passage from the Ron Paul Political Report about the Los Angeles riots read, “Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks.” In another newsletter asserted that people with AIDS should not be allowed to eat in restaurants because “AIDS can be transmitted by saliva”; in 1990 one of his publications criticized Ronald Reagan for having gone along with the creation of the federal holiday honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which it called “Hate Whitey Day.”
Other issues of Paul’s newsletter called Barbara Jordan, the African-American Texas congresswoman, a “half-educated victimologist” and said of crime in Washington, D.C., “I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.”
If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be." - Ron Paul, 1992
"Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal." - Ron Paul, 1992
"We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such." - Ron Paul, 1992
Paul’s newsletter was listed by a neo-Nazi group called Heritage Front, as recommended reading,
Here's the icing on the cake - homophobic conspiracy nut too!
The September 1994 issue of the Ron Paul Survival Report states that “those who don’t commit sodomy, who don’t get blood a transfusion, and who don’t swap needles, are virtually assured of not getting AIDS unless they are deliberately infected by a malicious gay.” In the April 1993 Ron Paul Survival Report, the author--writing in the first person--states, “Whether [the 1993 World Trade Center bombing] was a setup by the Israeli Mossad, as a Jewish friend of mine suspects, or was truly a retaliation by the Islamic fundamentalists, matters little.”
HA! awesome. Don't you just love politician's quotes?? "fleet footed black teenage male" fucking hilarious. I'm saving this page.
Now for the really sad, sickening piece-
Ignorant, old, born-again, racists applaud this disgrace
As youth they don't want to pay taxes to rebuild our country?
They don't care about anyone who does not look like them?
Can anyone doubt that 80 years ago, they would rush to join
the Hitler youth ?
Oh, these cats would be on the front lines. This is the stuff they don't want to talk about. Just because he isn't a Dem or Repub, he must be good, right?? I'm (kinda) surprised one of them hasn't come rushing in to defend him yet, but then, they don't really like the truth.
How can "they" counter the doctor's kind words?
They can't. The truth is a hard thing to fight. No weasels yet......
The racist/antisemetic line is nonsense ... but anti-woman's rights (okay, he is pro-life). I mean, who cares what some skin head group thinks about anyone, who cares about the fact that he allowed a newsletter that carried his name to exist, without having any role in managing the thing. Paul supporters would be wise to look at what he supports, what his positions have always been, what can a President do (and what CAN'T a President accomplish unilaterally), etc.
"Paul’s newsletter was listed by a neo-Nazi group called Heritage Front, as recommended reading" That's because just like you they can make any conclusions that they want and imply anything that they want. Some of these comments are uncalled for but I'm sure you have uncalled for and even disrespectful ideas of your own
RonPaul's Freedom to be Bigoted
Happy New Years to all the Sock Puppet Ron Paul clones!!!! You guys can follow quotes from the newsletters here and reminisce.
Maybe Ron Paul should explain why this 1992 edition of his newsletter cites a magazine that only a professional gynecologist (like Ron Paul) would be expected to follow: Contemporary OB-GYN.
From Ron Paul 1983 Book Abortion and Liberty
Some time ago, I received my copy of American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Technical Bulletin, a publication designed to keep practicing physicians abreast with the latest discoveries. The title of the issue was “Method of Mid-Trimester Abortion”—a technical description of how to remove and destroy a fetus of 13 to 26 weeks.
If an abortion is attempted and fails, the mother, for the infant after birth, can sue the doctor for “malpractice.” The crime: failure to kill the baby. The OB-GYN News recently reported how attorneys now can earn over a million dollars per year on suits like this “Cases involving…failed abortion have led to automatic settlements.”
Walks like a duck.....
If you notice Ron in his 1983 book about abortion he refers to OB-GYN newsletters and magazines throughout just like a few of his racist newsletters. The writing style is also the same and he did admit writing the the racist letters in 1992
yet he now states he did not even read them until ten years later??? This man is a liar right down to the bone and can not be trusted.
On Barbara Jordan, he nailed it. It describes many others as well including Sheila Jackson Lee, Jesse Jackson, Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton and dozens of local versions of these poverty pimps. All he did was break the taboo that keeps us from talking about it.
For the time said/written it all sounds very reasonable
Since 1992 - 98% of all muggings were performed by black males 91.5% of all rapes commited by black males 80.1% of all armed robberies 75.9% of all murders 81.8% of all gun crimes
The list is endless, and this 'group' accounts for only 18% of the population!!!!!!!!!
There you go, more "logic" supporting an AynRand/RonPaul vote.
OMG keep on writing.... By any chance are you Bill from True Forced Loneliness???