Forum Post: If you want money out of politics ...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 10:49 p.m. EST by yourfatherluke
from Newark, NJ
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If you want money out of politics, you have to eliminate the means by which money is useful in politics. In the US we have a system of crony capitalism where the gov picks winners and losers. OF COURSE people and corporations are going to try to lobby to get on the winner side of those picks.
The government can only pick winners and losers if we accept that it is OK for the government to do so either by creating regulations to damage competitors or by actively redistributing wealth from one entity to another. For example - want to talk about wealth redistribution? Talk about FARM subsidies. For Pete's sake - the farm subsidies and ethanol subsidies have driven the price of corn, and thus land, through the roof. When the government subsidy is taken away, and it will be eventually, imagine the absolute devastation that will take place on the farm land market. There is a farm land bubble right now. Land went for $1000 an acre just a little over a decade ago and now it is going for $10,000 an acre. All of the devastation that will follow is the direct result of the government picking a winner - people who grow corn. Forget the disaster that this government interference in the market will be for US citizens. Look at what the rising food prices are doing to the rest of the world. Regardless of whether you think 'green energy' is a laudable endeavor, when the government gets involved and picks a winner, bad shit eventually happens.
Here in lies the problem - if you are against the stealing of money from one entity and gifting it to another, you have to be consistent and I fear that OWS is not ready for or desirous of consistency.
Lets not forget that in order for the government to "pick a winner" and give that "winner" a subsidy it first has to take that capital from the taxpayer, making the taxpayer/consumer of the overpriced subsidized goods the real loser.
Absolutely agree. What people in OWS need to come to grips with is that you can't say 'I'm against taking money from one entity I like and giving it to another entity I don't like.' You need to be consistent and say 'I'm against taking money from one entity and giving it to another entity.' Otherwise you're just shuffling around who are the slaves and who are the masters, putting yourselves into the master role for a while. I suspect with all the demands to 'forgive my student loans' what most of the OWS want is an unearned piece of the pie. The OWS isn't against money in politics or crony capitalism, they just want it to work for the OWS.
Obamas' 2012 Re-election Finance Director is the son of BANK OF AMERICAS former CEO.... the guy who got us in this mess!!! Keeping it all in the Family