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Forum Post: If you want a National consensus on a single issue look to our corrupt dysfunctional Congress

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 3:19 p.m. EST by tao33 (11)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I would like to see OWS begin a new wave in this movement. All of the problems and injustice that people speak of are true and correct, but they are all only the symptoms and not the cause of the problem. As long as we only speak of the many symptoms we will miss a unifying single issue that all can relate to and see as a root cause of this countries problems.
In my opinion the main cause of almost all of the “symptoms” being spoken of is our dysfunctional corrupt congress. It is congress that funds the wars. It is congress that did not regulate banks and then bailed them out. It is congress that spends billions each year to support corrupt governments around the world. It is congress that has put this country in debt by uncontrolled short term pork barrel spending in promising the masses everything to get elected, all the while leaving our healthcare, infrastructure and the educational systems in shambles. (etc. etc. etc.) We no longer have a functional democracy when congress is bought off by a minority of big money corporations and special interest groups to pass laws or block them for their interest only and leaves the majority of the country screwed. All of the issues that the OWS movements are stating can be traced back to congress. So why not go to the source, go to the root of the problem. Our dysfunctional corrupt congress is not only the one issue everyone can agree on but ALREADY DO (look at their national approval rating of 13%), and the system is already in place to make changes. We could open a national dialog on what this country needs and where it is going while addressing ways to reform congress. I would suggest that OWS extend invitations to all occupy cities, tea party, politicians, etc. to send delegates here to work on how to reform our congress so it truly represent the majority, and in that discussion all of the symptoms would be addressed! By making this our focus we start to represent if not 99% at least 87% (what other single issue has that kind of national support), we dispel most of our critics, and it sets up a meaningful dialog to make lasting changes on key issues effecting our country. This movement will find its way or not. All I can do is to offer my nonviolent thoughtful opinion and respect others as they do the same.



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[-] 1 points by Greenbacks (21) 13 years ago

How can we stop this?

This will continue until the American people understand just how they are being robbed and what they can do about it. A new monetary system has to be established to protect the freedom our Founding Fathers meant us to have---and keep.

I would say this to you, ladies and gentlemen. We must re-establish the kind of constitutional money system in this country that Jefferson wanted. He said that only the Treasury of the United States should create and issue legal tender money. He said that all money should be redeemable either in gold or in silver. That's the reason our Founding Fathers put into the Constitution a provision that no state shall make anything but gold and silver tender in the payment of debts. (In other words, the states may not issue legal tender money, and no private bank should either!)

If we go back to that kind of system and do away with fractional reserve banking, we may be able to re-establish a constitutional government in the United States. Wake up America!