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Forum Post: If you think this is about corporations only, you are acting like an idiot; this is ENTIRELY about people.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 1:33 a.m. EST by Fredone (234)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The 100% are simply a bunch of people on a planet hanging in the void. Corporations are only a tool which is a social construct They are a tool that the people who head them USE to exert their power. And since they are technically totalitarian dictatorships (that is a well known fact) the people at the top are almost entirely to blame for what the corporations do.

This is ultimately about people and the NYC GA released an official statement on oct 10 that completely blames corporations without acknowledging the people involved AT ALL.

You think corporations are like robots because the CEO is legally obligated to steer things in such a way as to make maximum profit for the shareholders? Newsflash buddy: every time anyone has tried to change this fact it has been BLOCKED by the 1%. They WANT it this way. They love love love having this excuse for their behavior, and you are letting them keep it.

Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, the people that head these corporations engage in illegal dirty tricks all the time, right up to and including brutality and murder. They are NOT legally obligated to do illegal things for their bottom lines. The people who head them want to do things this way. They also engage in legal but highly immoral dirty tricks that they do not need to. They have some discretion, there is no doubt about that.

Oh, and a corporation can pass a charter, which allows them to legally constrain their behavior within ethical limits or whatever they want any time they want to if the board of directors allows it (1%ers). If it is privately owned they can do it any time the owner wants. How often does that happen? Exactly. The 1% like it this way, and they love it when you direct your blame to the imaginary social constructs that they use to screw us over every day instead of them.

Oh and by the way, have you not noticed that more than 50% of members of congress are 1%ers (and therefore all their cronies and family too) ??(and they have been surrounded by and brainwashed by the bullshit stories that the 1% tell each other and everyone else to rationalize the crimes they commit and perpetuate) Google it. "Net wealth of members of congress". Average net wealth of members of congress: 8.2 million bucks each. Don't you think that's a little out of place in a democracy? That they might be a little biased?

Oh and before you think that people voted them in there so they are legit, see the post on this forum titled "Crucial:..." (use your browser's search function). Summary: the 1% exert grossly excessive influence on who even gets on the ballots.

Pull your head out of the sand.



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