Forum Post: If you really want to understand what ruined our country watch this video!!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 8:41 p.m. EST by mac123
from Canton Township, MI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The woman from Council of Economic Advisers should be tried for treason !
AND the information was revealed by a billionaire to try and stop GATT treaty.
Sir James Goldsmith even testified at the US Senate in attempt to stop the passage of Clinton’s GATT treaty in 1995.
Here are some further links:
Audio of Goldsmith’s US Senate Testimony -
Transcript of Testimony -
The Book: The Trap -Sir James Goldsmith -
Book review of “The Trap” -
Discussion of Goldsmith & The Trap -
A Supplement to Oct. 17, 2007 "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN -
Great!! The movement needs to know about this.
Great document! It should be re-titled "Sir James Goldsmith Prophecy" Here you have a business man (billionaire) that lives his business life under the directs of his innate human and moral values. These are the kind of business men that we need to be in charge of the direction of our markets and global commerce... On my list of 'Public ally 1%' definitely Sir. James Goldsmith has a seat, and with honors!!
Please help me spread the word about what this man said. If more people watched this video they would understand what they are protesting for.
Very interesting video. Look it up. You don't have to agree with the man's solutions, but the issues he raises are real and need to be addressed somehow by our societies at some point.
I just noticed the date. DAMNIT. He saw it all coming. He was right, completely right, about how this would play out. Why did we not listen?
Please help me spread the word about this man and his mission! for those interested in strengthening the OWS movement I recommend as a complimentary venue for information and focused discussion.
PLEASE !!! Help me spread the word about this man and his mission to stop this catastrophe. Obviously he failed and he died a few years later but we can pick up the ball and run with it.
Keep up the good work getting this out, mac.
I'm an Indie Filmmaker seeking interviewee's for a studio interview. I am interested in all those willing to give an interview. We will be shooting interviews December 2nd-5th.
For more information please contact
Please help me spread the word about what this man said. If more people watched this video they would understand what they are protesting for.
This GATT a huge part of the deregulation that killed is yes. Also research the commodity futures exchange act, and the Glass Stagall act. Two moe pieces of legislation repealed under the corporate globalist Clinton administration.
A partial transcript of this fantastic interview:
PLEASE !!! Help me spread the word about this man and his mission to stop this catastrophe. Obviously he failed and he died a few years later but we can pick up the ball and run with it.
“The facts are that people who benefit are big major corporations. There is a divorce between the interests of major corporations and of society. When one used to say and believe – and probably rightly – what is good for General Motors is good for the United States. That is no longer true. Today the transnational corporations have annual sales of $4.8trillion. They account for 1/3 of all – the top alone account for 1/3 of – direct investment. Now how do they operate? They’re no longer linked to the United States, the american ones, or to France or to Britain. They operate by farming out their production to whatever company produces the cheapest labor, wherever they can get the biggest return on capital, and pay the lowest part to labor.”
Great video...
I would love to hear Andrea Tyson defend her positions now.
Andrea where are you?
She is an economic advisor to the Obama administration believe it or not. Please help me spread the word about what this man said. If more people watched this video they would understand what they are protesting for.
She is an advisor to the Obama administration!!!
This is an excellent video.
Thanks for posting it.
By the way thank you for all the links!
PLEASE !!! Help me spread the word about this man and his mission to stop this catastrophe. Obviously he failed and he died a few years later but we can pick up the ball and run with it.
And bump.
Also, bump.
on of my favorites thanks for posting. This is part of it. Check this vid out another great one:
Hey I just watch the whole video and all I gotta say is American system is fucked up!!!
It sure is my friend, unfortunately we have a very ignorant society. The good news is that people are finally waking up. I just hope they don't feed into the hand of the crooks. It is very easy for the elites to take a movement like this and steer it in whatever direction they want it to go. Look at the Tea Party for Gods sake, it only took months for them to draw their attention away from the bail outs and turn their focus onto the unions. Imagine middle class people chanting for deregulation of banks and corporations? Clearly these people didn't know their history or anything about economics. Truth is regulation is increasing on the people and decreasing on the elite. Peace to you my friend.
A couple more links:
Check out "China Blue", a PBS sponsored documentary.
Please help me spread the word about what this man said. If more people watched this video they would understand what they are protesting for.
Very informative video. It outlines very well how the creation of a global market for labor reduced the standard of living for the US working people.
PLEASE !!! Help me spread the word about this man and his mission to stop this catastrophe. Obviously he failed and he died a few years later but we can pick up the ball and run with it.
Please help me spread the word that Sir James was preaching. He has died and no longer can do it. The movement needs to know about this man.