Forum Post: If you really want change - Occupy the U.S. Capitol Building
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:56 a.m. EST by cdw123
from Riddle, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you really want to drive your message home - you need to have our legislators hear your demands in-person. Of course, you will get evicted and arrested - but that is just more publicity. Attempt a peaceful sit-in like the Wisconsin Capitol sit-in. You will need a large turnout and Congress in session to make your point. After all, Congress is where corporate lobbyists draft the legislation upon which members of Congress place their rubber stamps.
please take a look at sir richard branson he is one of us in the 99% i promise
Go and take a nap. You are just too tired. You was "a real patriot" all the day, today, spewing out your clean-hatred ideas. Don't hurt yourself anymore. Go and take a nap. You will rest a bit so that you'll have enough power to start all over tomorrow morning.
God...have mercy on us...
The Boogieman
Good luck with that one! You will be shot on site as insurgents. No matter that you're unarmed. These animals only understand violence. Look at what they've done to practically every other nation on Earth! These animals are the only ones to have ever used WMD on civilan populations. They are not above doing it again!
Good luck with that one! You will be shot on site as insurgents. No matter that you're unarmed. These animals only understand violence. Look at what they've done to practically every other nation on Earth! These animals are the only ones to have ever used WMD on civilan populations. They are not above doing it again!