Forum Post: If You Live in NYC, Go To Wall Street Now or BEFORE 7 AM!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 8:51 p.m. EST by csandage
from Collinsville, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you live in NYC, support Occupy Wall Street & want to defend their/our hard work, go to Wall Street now or BEFORE 7 AM!
If the streets are swollen with the 99%, the NYPD will be too busy to force protestors to leave, giving #OWS time to fight for the right to be there.
They're not occupying Wall Street, they're camping in a park.
I was totally excited and behind this when it started but now I'm just laughing. Bunch of trustafarians trying to reenact Woodstock.
Hopefully more serious people can be inspired by this however to come up with an intelligent way to end corporate corruption of the democratic process after this increasingly pathetic thing fizzles out.
My more cynical side is starting to wonder whether this whole thing might've been initiated by the 1% so as to forever discredit the credibility of any future movement.
As soon as it became dominated by trustafarians who embrace millionaire entertainment celebs it was over.
What a friggin' shame; it looked like it coulda been something when it started sigh
Agreed. It's a damn shame. :/
I'd like to add to my post: to fight NONVIOLENTLY for the right to be there!
EXCELLENT! Thanks for the heads up!
I'd like to add to my post: to fight NONVIOLENTLY for the right to be there!
Dear christian friend, are you advocating aggression, bloodshed and fatality? Shame on you crusader!
American Home of the Police State. You break the law, we kill you.