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Forum Post: If you just want to talk shit, get off the forum

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 3:15 p.m. EST by strawberryfields00 (7) from Fremont, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

this forum is for discussing ways to succeed, not reasons we will fail. If you don't support the movement, I don't understand why you're a member of the website, or why you're bothering to post. you're wasting your time.



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[-] 2 points by Anomnomoose (44) 13 years ago

Without listening to ways you could fail, how can you counter with ways to succeed?

[-] 1 points by SilkyJohnson (1) 13 years ago

you mad bro?

[-] 1 points by anotherone773 (734) from Carlyle, IL 13 years ago

Some will come here to show us how we will fail. Some have a legit interest in seeing us succeed. Some just want to troll/ play politics.

So convert the trolls and unbelievers. Don't show them you are better at the game than they are. Show them you are not even playing the game. Show them you are here to seriously fix the system. Not play my Ideology is right.

Ideology is part of the problem and its a bunch of BS. Our founding fathers came together to build this nation EXACTLY like we are doing but in a smaller number and theirs was representative. No ideology, no political nonsense. Just straight up discussion and compromise. That is what we are about.

[-] 1 points by strawberryfields00 (7) from Fremont, CA 13 years ago

You're right. I guess i'm just frustrated with all the people saying openly hateful and ignorant things and not making contributions. I've never understood the whole "trolling" mentality, and i think this is an inappropriate place to do that. If you have a problem with the movement, make suggestions! don't just say things to get people riled up on purpose, or say things that aren't relevant. I saw one guy, "the 1%", posting ideas on what to focus our movement on, and i thought that was helpful. however, posts by "retardedprotester" are just hurtful and pointless. I think those posts ARE a waste of time, at least for the people posting them.

[-] 1 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

I totally understand your frustration and realize it is very difficult to have a discussion with someone who is coming at you in a negative way. But keep that in mind when you talk to others... people won't hear the message if it's presented in a negative way with name calling or belittling. If other people want to waste their energy by being hateful then that is their problem, I feel it is our duty to respond respectfully in all instances and continue to drive home the our message and raise awareness. Let's take some of the emotionality out of it, stick to logic and facts and not become over-reactive when discussing things with anyone. Talking to others about ideas is very important no matter how they seem to respond. Here are some other things you can do to affect positive change: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXdmNFNqaQc

[-] 1 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

I don't think it's a waste of time. With the people who come here who disagree we have an opportunity to change their minds and their hearts and that is a very important thing. Even if it isn't initially noticeable, simply by engaging in conversation with these people we will be making progress. If we can respond positively and without aggression to people who disagree with us, we will have made an impression and perhaps that will aid in a change in their perspective over time. By making this or that group into "bad" people, we're really doing ourselves a disservice ultimately. We all are interconnected even if the way in which we are connected is not completely apparent. The only way to change people's minds and hearts is to keep talking to them and be respectful and logical while doing so.

[-] 1 points by IWantFreeStuff (119) from New Orleans, LA 13 years ago

Wow. You really are complex Missy. Smarter than some of the others too.

[-] 1 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

I don't know if I'm smarter, just trying to be pragmatic and less emotional. I think that the high emotions are what cloud the message and skews people's thinking.

[-] 1 points by strawberryfields00 (7) from Fremont, CA 13 years ago

and ours, for that matter.