Forum Post: If you guys persist in banning people
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:41 a.m. EST by aLibertarian
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
you will get a bad name
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:41 a.m. EST by aLibertarian
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
you will get a bad name
First off, we're not even talking about anyone trying to regulate what is or is not said on the Internet; we're talking about whether or not this particular site chooses to willingly host people who come on here spouting lies, irrelevant conspiracy theories, and random invective. Frankly, we do not want anyone on here who behaves in this way, as it makes all of the rest of us look like a bunch of loons, and it is our choice whether we want to allow them to do so. We do not.
Freedom of speech may technically mean that you may say anything; however it places others under no obligation whatsoever to pay attention to what you say. The problem with people, though, is that if something is yelled loudly enough over and over again then people do start to pay attention and take you seriously even if you're spouting total crap.
Everyone may say their piece as they choose, but operating account after account to put up post after post of pure divisive, racist tripe is no longer an expression of free speech but a concerted attempt to force people to pay undue attention to content that has neither merit nor value nor purpose other than to make us turn on each other. In effect, persistent trolling of this nature is shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater, only over a longer period of time, and I believe it should be treated as such.
for what it's worth i recognize you as part of my assembly and you are welcome in my house
that was a pretty good answer and i can return with the fact that we tried to preserve the integrity of our moment too but sometimes it's like gripping sand:the tighter you hold on, the more slips through your fingers. my intent at this time is to joke around and bring some levity. laughter is good medicine.
yeah yeah yeah ok. All i did was say "hi fagz". Don't pounce on me all the sudden bouncy house. Yes you are adorable.
and i know, you guys work hard for nothing but hey, hi fagz!
Just so you know, most of the anger in my previous post is directed at a particular group of people (they know who they are) such as Vox, Eatshitanddie, and now Barkode who come on here ranting about gays and Jews and minorities and Jews and did I mention Jews? instead of actually trying to hold a discussion. I don't know what your case is, but as far as I can tell you're not part of that breed so I don't want to strangle you in particular.
OK; fair enough. Just out of curiosity, what are your personal opinions on how we should deal with the aftermath of the 2008 crisis? I promise not to flame; I'm genuinely curious.
but what we learn from the post-soviet scenario was kind of shocking: those who had farms and were totally self-sufficient were the first to go. Mobility is the word there bro. Stay light, stay fight. We have to be ready to relocate, go where the food is
Not we as in the two of us, but what should be done to the rules by which Wall Street has to play and the manner in which we elect our representatives in order to force both DC and Wall Street to look out for the ordinary man?
i think things are going pretty good on that level. We can't force freeedom down people's throats. It has to be an option and we have always been basically an educational movement. We are selling a republic to people who are erroneously convinced it's supposed to be a democracy. our economic understandings rule and that's why we make money when other people are sad. and we have other things like weapons but it doesn't mean we don't have love and compassion and understanding. we gotta do our job even it it's hard. so do you. i can tell. you have the warrior quality. it's a burden.
gold is the money if kings and silver is the money of gentelmen and we say get both but lead and steel are the language or warriors. we say heavy up on all of these and get a pitbull
ok we got 3 kinds of medicine for you: there is investment, there is personal improvement and there is spiritual improvement. The money side, get into metal
On a personal level this makes sense, but on a national level what kind of restructuring would you propose to prevent the circumstances behind the 2008 crash from occurring again?
I wear a Buck 120 knife in bed with my pitbulls and that's me de-militarizing because i used to sleep with a .40 cal. i am learning to relax.
here. this is 50% of what we can do for you. that's our love and the only other thing we have to tell you about is ugly nasty war and bloos.
that's kinda beyond the scope of this board, wouldn't you agree? It takes 2-3 years of reading and debate for a basic libertarian for formulate an opinion. My purpose here is not to convert you to being me, we need to help you guys survive what's coming
fuck dude, they can't see us smile in print.
we smile. ear to ear grin. Cheshire cat with claws!
Most people are on here because they want to improve our country.
You are on here to act like an immature child.
You obviously have a busy life, I will not waste any more of your time with a long response.
hey Trev, there's a few more of us but you have a warrior name. do your job. you got friends out there.
Trevor: your name is of Gaelic extraction but it means "quick tempered warrior" or "hot head"
are you Trevor?
Do you know what your name means?
HAHAHA it's a nick name I picked up from the movie Johnny Mnemonic.
Actual definition - A device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something.
Most people are on here because they want to improve our country. You are on here to act like an immature child. You obviously have a busy life, I will not waste any more of your time with a long response.
ban the trolls!
Proof? or it didn't happen.
proof? be me, get banned.
I had posted a couple of coments before and I got banned as well I was not trolling or anything. Have tese forums been hijaked already by inflitrators?
there is a possiblity that this movement is hardening against us conservatives.
ON the other hand, i came into the chat and said "hi fagz" and got totally banned.
Might just be a lack of sense of humor.
hi guys! what are we arguing about? I'm totally in. Whose side are we on and who are we fighting?
If you wish to voice opposition keep it in one thread.
that's just makes clerical sense
you are highly clerically sensible. that is a desirable quality.
I'm italian. Can I post anti italian sentiment? They've done so much bad!
do you have any idea what i would do right now for a bit of scungili in a nice marinara sauce?
oh and for another thing, why can't i get a decent biscotti in Arizona?
Somebody is gonna pay hell for my culinary indiscretion but I only have myself to blame. You can't get fresh fish in a desert. Oh Gods, deliver me, I want a nice shrimp scampi. I will die without tasting a really nice fresh calamari. Gods help me.
i have been waiting for this chance because i'm prejudiced against pepperoni like how they don't put enough of it on my pizza
that totally bones dude. are you responsible for that?
Who, Berlusconi?
Yeah, and all of written history. Or anybody with a vowel at the end of their name (just kidding). Romulus & Remus kind of bother me, too. They are the Cain & Abel of italian history. I hate the Dumlocks everywhere equally.
omfg. dude did you write that or did i? we might be estranged kinsmen.
i suggest we should listen to Pavement
We are surely kin. Nice suggestion. How does Geddy sing so high?
Racist, anti-semitic, gay/trans bashing people are at risk.
Those are pretty broad guidelines.
hey what if you are a gay trans-gender native american like me and you are so tired of thinking about your sexualtiy that you just give up on it and listen to music and sometimes you say YO, I'M TRYING TO RELAX OVER HERE AND IF YOU GOT A PROBLEM I GOT A TOMAHAWK?
ever feel like that?
I am sure people who insult constantly get banned and probably trolls.We should keep these people around?
1st amendment
This isnt America its the internet. All internet boards are monitored because of trolls, spam posters, and profanity. I am for this limit on freedom of speech here. I want to hear ideas and thoughts not " Get a ing job you lazy ing moron sucking * *!"
The government isn't involved. 1st amendment applies to govt interference, not the right to post hate speech on someone's website.
you are right.
but i thought ows is an inclusive movement??
Apparently, the forum is not inclusive of people who want to post hate speech.
I support that.
They're also not inclusive of people who want to speak about politics. I don't support that.
Did anyone get banned for talking about politics? I see so many right wingers posting here, Ron Paul, Obama looks like thye're talking about it all and debating it all.
I'm speaking about OWS' live streams. People are instantly banned for any political questions or remarks. I'm sure it's very disheartening, especially to folks who are new to OWS. Unfortunately, the live streams are many people's first impression of the movement.
hi! can i join in? i got a rifle and brass knuckles! and a pitbull but he's more like to lick you to death.
hey don't tell anybody but my pitbull is a lovey-dovey
There is no such thing as "hate speech" unless you want to live in an Orwellian dictatorship. There is just speech which is just ideas. If you don't like an idea, either counter it through debate or ignore it.
freedom isn't free, it costs an aweful fuckin heap and free will beat the shit our of you and me Freedom isn't free, it killed my whole family and if you don't agree somebody will kill your ass
freedom isn't free, it's compulsory
It's the birthright of every living being.
hello kin! your screen name indicates that we are friends.
i kinda love this idiot female and her kids and after that comes pancakes and ice cream and my dogs for after that, i love freedom most of all
Kindred spirits if you love freedom :-)
Again, this is not the govt telling you not to say things.
Those "zionist this and that" posts all over the place are just littering and mking it hard for people who want to have real discussions.
No, they aren't. Zionism is a serious issue and worthy of examination, education, and discussion. There have been some stupid posts here on it but not all have been.