Forum Post: If you are truly serious about accomplishing something
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 10:09 a.m. EST by senior101
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you are truly concerned about the corruption in our government and financial/corporate areas, our opportunity to achieve the best we can without stepping on anybody, our children's opportunity, our ability to retire, to live to the best of our ability. Don't email eachother -Sign this petition.
CONGRESS REFORM ACT 2011 - because there is good and bad everywhere - the good people who are trying to really represent us have to get on this. Congress is not an elite Club with a lifetime membership. The Good people who are doing what they;re supposed to be doing have to get on this. Distribute this - send it to your representatives, your congressmen/women, your senators - show them how serious this situation in and how serious We The People are.