Forum Post: If you are in, you are out!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 7:09 a.m. EST by FEDUP1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
OCW is constantly criticized for not having a cohesive message. How about this message: If you are in, you are out! That simple. If the thousands protesting would band together in solidarity and promise to vote AGAINST every single incumbent in Congress, no matter their party affiliation, this protest would finally get the attention of the people in Washington D.C. I don't care if my local or state representatives are running for election against BOZO the clown. I'm voting for BOZO! If we could ban together and toss out every single incumbent in one election cycle, that would wake Congress up.
We don't have the money or clout of the lobby groups that control our elected representatives. We do have the ability to toss them out by using this movement to kick every single member of Congress out on their heads in one election cycle. Lets give them the cohesive message they are asking for. If you are in office now, you will not be back!